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Buzzsaw had them all tied up...again. This is getting old.

He was walking back and forth, with Jack trailing behind him. "What do you want, Buzzsaw?" Tom finally asked. 

"I think you know the answer to that." Buzzsaw chuckled. "I want revenge." Jack growled. 

"Revenge on my attacker and her venom spitting monster." Buzzsaw walked up to Y/n, and pulled her to her feet. Practically dragging her, Buzzsaw took her in the middle of his men. 

"Shoot her." he said. Jun gasped. 

"No!" Alex yelled. 

Y/n looked at the icicles the men were holding. Doesn't seem too keen on shooting them to an actual person. she thought. They might not be as evil as Buzzsaw. They, also, seem to be weaker than Buzzsaw.

Slowly, Y/n formed a plan in her head. "You might not want to do this." she said. 

Buzzsaw turned to her. "Why not?" he asked. He looked a bit amused. 

"Because, the minute you hurt me, Honeybee will use her venom to break free, and attack you." Y/n turned to the men. "Along with you both." They trembled, almost dropping the icicles. 

Buzzsaw looked at Honeybee, who had her mouth tied shut with a rope. "Then, let's go someplace else." he said. What? 

She didn't plan this. Y/n only thought that she would scare the men, and break free. Now, she was being pushed by them away from the others, who were screaming at them. 

They walked for some time, until they reached a frozen lake. They walked to the middle, and Y/n stood there. "Shoot her." Buzzsaw said. 

The two men got out there bows and put the icicles on them. I'm going to die. 

Y/n, then, noticed that the lake was thin on ice. Maybe if I fall through, I could escape them. 

I might die, but I might, also, survive. 

So, she started to jump up and down. "What are doing?" Buzzsaw asked. 

She jumped again. Cracks appeared. "Stop!" Buzzsaw yelled, finding out what she's doing. 

One more jump. 

Y/n took a deep breath, and jumped again. When she landed on the ice, she flew in the lake. She managed to hold her breath, and tried to swim to the edge of the lake, but she forgot one thing. 

Her hands were still tied.

Y/n tried to kick herself in the right direction, but she just managed to spin around. It was freezing cold in the lake. Her breath was running out. Her hands were tied. 

This is a bad idea. 

Y/n felt suffocated, and let go of her breath, and started to drown. Right before she blacked out, she heard some voices, some footsteps, and a loud splash. And then, darkness. 


Y/n opened her eyes, and found herself in the Lair, wrapped in a thick blanket. In front of her were the riders, staring at her face. "Uh, hi?" she said. 

Jun hugged her, screaming "You're alive." 

"Air...need it." Y/n gasped. Jun let go, and Honeybee licked Y/n's face, settling down next to her side. 

"How are you feeling?" D'Angelo asked. "Are all your fingers and toes there?" 

Y/n wiggled her fingers and toes. "Yup." she said. She looked around at the riders. "What happened?" she asked. 

"I managed to free all of us and dived in the icy cold waters to save you!" Eugene answered, looking extremely proud. The others rolled their eyes. 

"Actually, Honeybee used her venom to dissolve the ropes." Alex said. "And we all helped Y/n." 

"Yeah, yeah." Eugene said. "Exactly what I said." 

"Let's get you to your dome." Tom said. "You might need rest." Jun helped Y/n as she got up, her arm supporting her back. 

Slowly, they went to her dome, only D'Angelo following in case Y/n needed any help. Finally, they reached Y/n's dome, which seemed to be quiet.

"Call if you need anything, okay?" Jun said. Y/n nodded, and entered her dome. 

Surprisingly, her parents were in the dome, waiting for her. "Honey," her mom said. "We know that we took things too far yesterday." 

Y/n wanted to scoff, but she was still waiting, wondering where this was going. 

"That got us thinking about all the years you put up with our fights." her mom continued. 

"We realized how you struggled with us." he dad said. "So, we're going to try to stop fighting, and try to be peaceful. Is that okay?" 

Y/n almost cried. "Yes!" she said. "Of course it's okay!" She hugged her parents, and they all started to cry. 

Finally. We're going to be a happy family again.

Dragons nine realms: Y/n's adventureWhere stories live. Discover now