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The next day, the gas leak was fixed. Everyone could walk outside freely, but Y/n didn't want to. She wanted to stay in bed until that memory of yesterday disappeared from her head. 

So, probably going to stay in bed forever. 

Y/n covered her face with her pillow when she heard a knock on the window. She looked up to see Jun. Y/n walked over and lowered the window. "What?" she asked. 

"Aren't you coming to the Lair today?" Jun asked. "Honeybee misses you." 

"I'll come next century." Y/n mumbled. 

"You can't keep hiding. We all are worried about you." 

Y/n sighed, and smiled slightly. "You people don't give up, do you?" 

"I guess not." Jun said. 

Y/n sighed again. The memory of yesterday hit her again. "I'll come tomorrow." she promised. 

"Understandable." Jun said. "But, the others might come by later." 

Y/n nodded. Jun left, and Y/n returned to her bed. It was quiet, meaning that her parents were at the lab. Hopefully the other scientists would talk some sense into them. 

Enjoying the peace and quiet, Y/n slipped into sleep. 


It was the next day, and Y/n was walking towards the Lair. Yesterday, the others had come by, but Y/n just pretended to be asleep. After all, she wasn't one to talk about her feelings. 

When she entered the Lair, she could see the others there, waiting for her. "What's up?" she asked. 

They got right to the point. "Are you okay?" D'Angelo asked. 

"Do your parents fight like that all the time?" Eugene asked. 

"Are you alone with them your whole life?" asked Alex. 

"Why didn't you come to us?" Jun asked. 

"Why didn't you tell us?" Tom asked. 

Y/n was overwhelmed with all the questions. She waved her hands to calm them down and answered "I'm fine. My parents fight sometimes. Yes. I couldn't. I didn't want to. But, everything is good now, don't worry." 

They were all silent for a minute, then, finally, Tom spoke. "That's good, I guess." 

Honeybee nuzzled Y/n's back, as if to comfort her. "Let's go." Jun said, shooting Y/n a look as if to say that this conversation was not over.

Y/n inwardly sighed as she climbed onto Honeybee. Together, they all flew down to the Crystal realm, in which they helped free a Terrible Terror from being trapped under a group of crystals. 

It reminded Y/n of the time when she first found Honeybee and got into Dragon Club. She still has a small scar where the cut used to be. 

Honeybee also seemed to remember because she kept Y/n from being even near crystals. "I won't get caught in them again." Y/n told her. "I promise." Honeybee wasn't satisfied, and kept "protecting" her from the crystals.

Y/n felt eyes on her back, but whenever she turned around, Jun would look away. Let's just get this over with. Y/n thought, feeling that she couldn't live in the awkwardness anymore. 

So, when they were in the Ice realm, Y/n walked up to Jun and told her to tell her what she wanted to tell (Say that five times fast). "Okay." Jun said, taking her out of the other riders ear shots.

"Before your parents' massive fight," she started. "Tom told me about how they fight." Y/n nodded, remembering the night before the disaster, when Tom was talking to Jun outside her window. 

"I wanted to talk to you about it, but the whole...thing happened." Y/n nodded again. 

"I just wanted to know if you were okay." Jun paused, and said. "And how your life has been. I mean, with constant the fighting, you had to have some help, at sometime." 

"I didn't." Y/n responded. "I just got used to it." 

"I don't see how someone could get used to that." 

"Fair point." Y/n sighed. 

"One more thing." Jun said. "You and Tom seemed to be hanging out a lot, talking about stuff that we don't know about." 

Y/n remembered how she and Tom were talking about his feelings for Jun. Of course, she can't just say that. "Are you guys, like-" 

"No!" Y/n yelled before Jun could continue. "We were just talking about...some issues." 

Jun raised her eyebrow, not buying Y/n's excuse. "If you like him, just tell him that." Y/n said. Maybe it would help both of you. 

"Uh, wha-what are you talking about?" Jun stuttered. "I-He is just my friend." Her eye twitched. Sure he is. 

"They might be looking for us! Let's go!" Jun ran away before Y/n could say anything. 

At least I could tell Tom that Jun likes him back. 

Although, in most situations, that might make things even worse. Plus, Tom needs to decide if he wants to be with Jun. 

They're both really good at hiding their feelings. I'll give them that. 

Y/n snapped out of her thoughts when she reached back to where the others are. "No Buzzsaw?" she asked. 

"No Buzzsaw!" Tom exclaimed. Right when he said that, an icicle flew by him, and hit a tree. 

"Are you sure?" a voice asked. They turned around to see Buzzsaw, his men, and Jack, emerge from the bushes. 

Dragons nine realms: Y/n's adventureWhere stories live. Discover now