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It was nighttime, and the Dragon Riders were flying up to the Dragon Lair. "That was a good day." Tom said. 

"You're telling me!" D'Angelo exclaimed. "No trapped dragons! No Buzzsaw!" 

"I think it's safe to say that we finally defeated him." Jun said. 

"With Honeybee's magic black spit." Alex said. Y/n swatted her arm playfully. Alex ducked away, snickering. 

"As fun as today was, it ends with a curfew." D'Angelo said, pointing at his watch. "Time to go." 

"Cuuuurfew." Eugene whined. "Tommy, can't your mom make some excuses for us, since she knows about dragons?" Tom rolled his eyes at him. 

"Let's go, Eugene." Jun sighed. 

Everyone went out of the Lair, and into ICARIS. Just as Y/n was about to go into her dome, she was stopped by Tom. "I remember last night's fight that your parents had." he said. "You should really talk to them about it." 

"It will be fine, Tom." Y/n said. "After all, I lived like this all my life, so don't worry." She went into her dome before Tom could say anything. It was quiet, which usually meant that her parents were working late. 

She went to her room, and spotted Jun near the window. She was walking to her dome when Tom stopped her, and started to talk. Aw. Y/n thought. He might be confessing to her. 

Or he might be telling her about my family issue. 

The second possibility was more possible, especially since Tom just pointed towards her dome. Y/n backed away from the window, and went to bed, promising to deal with him tomorrow. 


(From this point, I advise a TW for children with fighting parents, along with high levels of anxiety.) 

She didn't get a chance to deal with it because, the minute she woke up, D'Angelo's dad, Mr.Baker, AKA the head of security, along with Ms.Wong, Jun's mother, called a meeting for everyone in ICARIS. 

"There is a slight gas leak near the fissure." Ms.Wong stated. "As small as it is, it is extremely dangerous." 

"We advise everyone to stay indoors until we let you know that it's safe." Mr.Baker said. "But, we have found out that it was caused by someone, maybe by accident." 

"I know who did it." Y/n's dad said. 

"Oh?" Ms.Wong said. "Please share." 

"Mrs.Cooper." he said. There was a gasp in the room. Y/n looked at her mom, her head still processing what her dad just said. 

"It was an accident!" her mom protested. 

"See!" her dad exclaimed. "She admitted it!" 

"Are you really doing this right now?" her mom asked. "I would not have caused it if you weren't telling me how to do my job!" 

"I wouldn't have had to tell you if you could do it correctly!" her dad shot back. 

As they were yelling, everyone looked uncomfortable, looking at each other, Y/n's parents, or, sometimes, at Y/n. Y/n focused on the other kids. 

Tom was exchanging glances with his mom. Jun was watching Ms.Wong, as if hoping that she would do something. D'Angelo was with his dad, while Alex hadn't moved from her spot with her moms. Eugene was watching Y/n's parents, with a concerned look on his face. 

"Alright, calm down." Mr.Baker finally said, separating her parents. 

Olivia looked over at Y/n. "Y/n, do your parents fight this often?" 

Y/n felt all eyes on her, which didn't help calm her heartbeat.  "I-I." was all that came out of her mouth. 

"Everyone dismissed." Ms.Wong said. "Go to your domes. Mr and Mrs. Coopers, please stay here." 

Slowly, everyone left the room, muttering to each other. Y/n escaped everyone's stares outside, walking quickly to her dome. 

That's the first time that happened. Her parents fighting in front of people. Are they getting worse? 

She snapped back to reality when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around to find one of Alex's moms. Hazel Gonzalez if she remembered correctly. "Are you okay?" she asked. 

Y/n nodded. "Take care of yourself, okay?" She nodded again. 

When she was back in her dome, she went straight to bed, and closed her head. She tried so hard not to think about what just happened, but it kept coming into her head. 

What's going to happen now? 


I know that this is a bit extreme, so tell me if I have to take it down a bit. 

Dragons nine realms: Y/n's adventureWhere stories live. Discover now