3 | the choice

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The waistcoat dug against her skin

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The waistcoat dug against her skin. She clicked her tongue, picking at the tight collar squeezing the breath out of her throat. Damn Laien and them thinking this was a proper way of greeting her former boss.

Her blue and purple hair looked out of place in this golden hall filled with black. Mika, dressed in a tight vest underneath the snug black coat, looked as if he owned the place. She wouldn't put it past him to attempt to figure out how to swipe the building under their noses. Let him try. Stormack Enterprises wasn't established yesterday, just like the ZENITH and whoever its owner was.

That's why they're here.

"I still don't see the reason why you have to be here," she glanced at the crew's leader who had gelled most of his hair away from his forehead. If she's attracted to men, she would have fallen for him in an instant. But as it was, she only saw him as a puny friend she could pulverize when given the blade Stormack Enterprises fancied. "I can handle this on my own."

Mika bobbed his head at a couple of burly guards hiding behind the mystery and ferocity afforded to them by those UV shades. "I had to see Stormack for myself," he answered in a tone so quiet he could have been talking from thin air like a god. "Who knows when would The Conquest turn her eyes in this direction?"

The Conquest. Using Ida Widdman's less well-known moniker outside her cadres was a smart move. But it also put them into danger, since now the walls realized they're here not of their accord, but representing someone else's.

"If you insist on being a nuisance, the least you can do is to keep quiet," Camreen said after they took the familiar corridors leading to their target's office. The amount of guards dressed in black suits increased with each step. "I'll do the talking. Don't you dare open your mouth to spout nonsense. Verne Stormack isn't someone you can fool around with."

Of course, Mika was no stranger to egotistic men with way too many ideals compensating for something they never had as a child. After all, he was one.

She didn't wait for Mika to acknowledge her conditions. The corridor stopped in front of two ornate doors, flanked by two more guards. If they have to fight their way out, they wouldn't be able to get back to HQ in one piece. Well, she might live, but she's prepared to leave Mika's ass if he dared get shot down. He also knew that, judging from the frantic glances he kept throwing at the walls, the guards, their weapons, and the twists and turns she took him into. He's looking for his own escape route. Cute.

The guards snapped into attention at the sight of her. Despite all the attempts she made to make sure she never was the same woman who Stormack played with, just by adding the golden brooch to the vest, they recognized her all the same.

The Scarlet Shadow. Stormack's ruthless assassin and most successful spy.

She gritted her teeth, watching with narrowed eyes as the guards pushed the doors inside, revealing the familiar desk. The smell of freshly-burned incense and stale coffee hit her senses at full blast. From the way Mika's nose scrunched, he didn't find it appealing either. Together, they strode inside, gazes resting on the man seated behind the ornate desk.

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