How to Access the ZENITH

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Aledetri Region - the main region of the country where this story takes place

Bennode - the second line in the metway and a namesake of a town inside Aledetri region

Calphe - the third line in the metway and the namesake of a town inside Aledetri region

Cred - the currency inside the country this story takes place in

Dalmos - the fourth line in the metway and a namesake of a town inside Aledetri region

Digicone - a kind of ice cream that looks like a hologram

Dhan-bernu District - a small town close to Aledetri City where waste and other toxic products are dumped

Driftbike - an invention that lets the bike hover in the air

Edrach - the fifth line in the metway and a namesake of a town inside Aledetri

Gelazet - the seventh line in the metway and a namesake of a town inside Aledetri

Levcab - a levitation car running on cables and mid-air rails

Metway - the in-world equivalent of the subway

Mont Rasto - a place known for its sprawling villas meant for the ultra rich

Neon Light District - a place where felons and other shady people go in hiding

Sen Valtro - a District in the neighboring region

Zalqoia - the farthest town in the Aledetri region

Zooroo - the in-world version of a cigarette

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