Chapter 9- What?

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Emma woke up the next day in her room, wow the sedative had really knocked her out. Once again, she clapped her hands to open the blinds, she was still really sore. She was about to call her parents so they could call Elwin again, but her scream cut her off. There was a fire in her room.

It was almost like a movie replay, her parents came running into the room and once again, gasped. Keefe immediately ran into the room and picked up Emma and her stuffed dog, Muffin, before running out of the room. Emma's siblings peeked into the room and ran to see if Emma was okay. 

Elwin and Mr. Forkle came running into the living room 15 minutes later. While Elwin was checking on Emma and her recovery, Mr. Forkle was pacing the room. They all knew that he had something to say that he knew was bad news.

"Emma's a Pyrokinetic," Mr. Forkle said, "Everything that happened leads to that." Emma gasped, wide-eyed, she asked, "So I have THREE abilities?" Mr. Forkle sighed, "Yes, and possibly more." 

"So what do we do?" Emma asked, Mr. Forkle sighed, and replied, "I have to talk to Foxfire, we will get you sessions for your new abilities, so don't worry." He smiled, "Okay." Emma said, looking down. What will her friends say?

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