Please Read Or Some Of The Characters won't make sense!

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Now to get it all started this is mainly about the sandlot but it does have the saved by the bell characters in it. Here are some descriptions about the characters

What it all means: 

Y/n: Your Name (you will be called Robin in this story)

Y/l/n: Your last name (in this story your last name is morris

A/n authors note (might have at end of chapters but not sure yet)

Y/n: Y/n's  name is Robin Morris. You have brown hair and are 14 years old. You had to move because you're grandma isn't doing so well. There is three months before school is out.

Zack: Zack is 15 and has blonde hair. You and him have always been close (this is your brother). He has really great friends kelly, Lisa, Screech, Jessie, Slater.

Kelly: Kelly is 15 and close to your brother (Zack). She is always cheerful and has a very high spirit. She has Brown hair.

Lisa: She is a friend of your brother's. She has black hair and always has time to give you some of her old clothes. she really is a fashionista with her clothes. And yes she is 15 too.

Screech: He has been chasing Lisa for quite a while now and never really gave. He isn't to much attractive e to lisa withhold curly brown and hair. And to add he is a dork. He is your brother's best pal and is 15.

Slater: He is 15 with black hair. Him and Zack are partner in crime when it comes to pranks. Him and Zack don't always get along but they sure are great friends.

Jessie: She is really involved in school. From being in school council and becoming school president. She has been Zack's closet friend. She is really tall and super duper nice. She has Brown hair. 

Ella: You won't meet Ella at first but she becomes your school best friend other then the sandlot boys. She has dirty blonde hair and is the same age as you.

To you they all have good style!

And you guys know the sandlot boys!

Hope you'll like the story. I'm not the best writer so yeah.

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