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 "Beep! Beep!" My alarm clock won't shut up. I groan but then get up to turn it off. I sit on my bed and just sit there rubbing my eyes . I go to my window and I see someone on the other side. They wave but I can't tell who it is. I decided to take a shower and then change into my outfit. ( picture above👆👆). I brush my teeth and hair. So my makeup and skin care. I start to head to the kitchen where I can smell bacon and pancakes cooking. 

 "Morning, Robin! Ready for your first day" my mom asked.

 "I guess. I'm probably gonna see some old friends there maybe I hope so" I said trying to sound cheerful. My mom noticed and smiled as she said, 

 "Maybe you'll see Ella" Ella! I haven't seen her in years Did she change much. I hope not I hope she hasn't become rude or anything. 

 " Yeah" Zack walk in with a big smile on his face and was humming . something was up.

 "What is it" my mom and I said in sync. 

 " I get to go out with Kelly today " my mom and I just looked at each other. I whispered under my breath,

 "Suprise, surprise"

 "What was that Robin" my dad asked.

" Nothing " we all looked at each other for a sec and then all started bursting out with laughter. After I was done eating I made sure I had everything in my bag. I know there is only three months of school left but I'm  real nervous because it's a new school making it my 'first day'. I heard a knock at the door. Zack answered it as I was sitting on the couch. 

 "Hey Zack" the person at the door said. I knew exactly who it was. I heard the door shut. I turned around seeing Scott, Bertram, Kenny, and Benny at the door. 

 "Wanna walk to school with us?" Bertram asked. I smiled and said, 

 " Sure" My mom heard and came up to me giving me a hug and saying goodbye. I said goodbye to Zack and we went out the door. The boys were talking about baseball. I listened in. I didn't talk much. Until someone tapped my shoulder. It was Benny. He smiled and said, 

 "Excited to play at the sandlot today neighbour?"

 "Neighbour?" I then realized he was the person who waved at me . "Yeah I haven't played for a while".  He started telling me about the teachers and which people to stay away from. He then told me where they sit at lunch. Soon we were at the school. I walked to the office and told them, 

" hi I'm Robin Morris. I recently just moved here. I would really like someone to show me around. "

 "Yes, your mom called yesterday she said you knew Ella Storne somehow. So she will be your guide" 

 " ok thanks! " I stay in the office waiting for Ella to show up. I stay there and then I saw her walking down the hall. I could tell she recognized me because she waved. I ran up to her and have her a big hug. 

 "I missed you Robin" she said.

 " Me too" 

 "In glad you moved back" she said still having the biggest smile on her face. 

 "Ready to start" she asked.

 " of course " she took my hand and started running down the hallway to my new locker.

 "Slow down" I said trying to catch my breath.

 "Sorry, just excited!" She said. Soon we made it to my locker ' 201'. Ella and I had a lot of catching up to do. We talked about new brands of clothing, and guys she found attractive. I finished putting my stuff away. Then leaned on the locker next to mine. Ella and I had a lot of classes together except for two so we just catched up instead of showing me around the school. We were talking about my cousin when Ella looked behind my shoulder. I gave her a confused look. Until someone said,

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