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It took five minutes for the polite knocking to become pounding, it took two more for me to realize it was at my door. Karol had came to visit the night before, so we spent the night drinking and the morning after going through the clothes I no longer wore, seperating them into what she would wear and what I would donate. It took me another two minutes to grab my knife, get through the mess of bagged clothes, and answer my door.

At the door was a tall angry man, which quickly turned confused, with dark brown hair, and a light stubble across his jaw, with a leaf blower pack attched to his back. Frowning as I close the door behind me and lean against it I looked behind him because my grass had been cut, without my knowledge, and the cuttings were left where they had fallen. "You cut my grass," was the first thing that came out, "and then you beat on my door like it killed your dog, why?" He looked thoroughly ashamed, and looked out at the lawn scrathing the back of his head before making eye contact, "sorry ma'am, my name is Nick. Two girls came up to me yesterday while I was working and asked me to come today and cut their grass, this was the address they gave. I'm sorry for banging on your door like that, I thought they were trying to skip on paying." Nodding I looked at my lawn again, "well I know a few girls who like to use my address when their hitting on someone, so I highly doubt they actually wanted their grass cut." I took a breath before speaking again, "call me Nina, and don't worry about the grass I was going do it tomorrow, "how much do you usually charge for a lawn this size?" He shook his head, "no ma'am, I can't take your money. It's my fault anyways, usually I talk money beforehand, but well they were supposed to have classes till about thirty minutes ago." This time I shake my head, and say, "One I ain't a ma'am I'm Nina. Two I'm not going to have somebody doing work for me free, especially when that work is how they make an income. Three, do you have any more jobs after this?" He straightened from his apologetic posture after my second point, "no Nina, today is my day off, this was just going to be an extra job, so I haven't really lost any money." I gave him a pointed look, "you lost gas in both your truck and equipment, so yes you have lost money, and you lost at least a couple hours of free time you could have spent relaxing with friends or meeting up with some cute girlfriend," I pause to look at him from head to toe and back, "which is a damn shame, finding someone you can stand to pass time with is hard enough without people cutting into your free time. So, here's what we'll do," I take out the seventy and look at the time before continuing, " It's almost one now, so you can come in and cool down, get seventy and lunch. Then you can go and have a nice day off." At that he shook his head again and curled my hand around the outstretched cash, "I wont accept your money, its was a miscommunication, and poor flirting at best, and I like what I do that's why I do it. I'll take you up on lunch though," taking a couple steps closer, till I could fell the warmth radiating off of him, he contined with a heated look, "and I don't have a girl waiting on my days off." Straightening up from my laid back position at the door, while closing the space more I hummed, "like I said a damn shame," looking down at his abdomen covered in a white tank top that went slightly translucent from perspiration back to eye level, which happened to be his broad shoulders, before leaning my head back to make eye contact and hooking two fingers in his belt loops pulling him that much closer. He slid his hands around my waist, as I slid a hand in each of his back pockets effectively putting the seventy in as well, still makeing eye contact. "You'll take the seventy and if you want you can help me take some stuff I'm donating off after lunch." He smile a little at that before moving forward a little pushing me against the wall beside the door, and leaned down. "Anything else you think I can help you with?" I hummed a little closing my eyes to relesh in the hard plains pressing against me before opening them again, and responding, I can think of a few things off the top of my head, but first we'll need sustenance." He smirked at that and stepped back as the front door opened and Karol comes out the front door, she looks between us, with a suspicious look she didn't even try to hide when she looked at Nick, before addressing me, "hey Nina, I have to run to the store real quick to get the rest of what we need I'll be back in ten, maybe fifteen." Without waiting for a reply she's crossing the street, and headed for her car.

He frowned at her back before returning his attention to me, "she don't need you to go with her?" I smile and give a little had shake, "no she has to get to work, she just didn't want you to know that incase you were up to something." He smiled, "she doesn't stop in the middle of the road right?" I look at him confused, "no?" His smile grew a little, "good." Then he closed the space that had reappeared when Karol came out, leaned forward and kissed me light, but deep. Slipping my fingers back into the belt loops of his jeans I pulled him back flush with me before sliding my hands up his chest to wrap around his neck pulling him into me harder. When he shifted his hips and I could feel his full length against me I pushed him back for a breathe, his lips found their way to my jaw and trailed down my neck. Scrambling to form words I said, "inside... We should go inside, and eat. You need food. And." He hit a spot below my ear making me clench my teeth to stop a moan, " and a shower. We should shower too." He lifted from my neck a couple of inches, "a shower?" "Mhmm, shower first though cause as hot as you are all sweaty and the way you smell is sinful," he rolled his hips with a smirk cause me to clench my teeth and eyes shut, "wh-when you dry it's gonna itch, and you got me all sweaty, so I need a shower too." With a nod he put his hands under my ass, reflexively I jumped wrapping my legs around his waist and gripping his neck. My core pressed against his length ripping a moan from me before I could stifle it. His arms tightned momentarily as his hips thrust involuntary, he groaned burying his head into my neck for a couple breaths. Raising his head he moved the few steps to the door, opening it he asked which way to the bathroom. Pointing him in the direction he found the bathroom, and sat me on the counter by the sink, before moving to the shower to fiddle with the knobs. I hopped off the counter, "wait here," was the answer I gave to his questioning look before going in search of clothes.

I found some sweats that should fit him, and grabbed some lounge clothes for me, then went back to the bathroom and set the clothes on the counter, "strip," was all I said when I came back, he did and I grabbed his clothes and put them in the wash on a quick cycle before returning to the bathroom, to join him under the water.

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