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I'm on my way to a new private college, when I pull up next to a silver car with racing equipment attached. I rev my fiats engine playfully and drive into a abandoned parking lot. Looking at my reverse squatted fiat, with all the racing fixings I could alter to fit it, I hear him pull into the lot and get out. "Hey, were you trying to race me earlier cause no offense, but I don't think you were going very fast." Laughing lightly at his remark I turn and look at him before shaking my head, "no, I wasn't, but I am now. You wanna race, bets yours to choose?" He looks at me silently for a moment, before looking at my car and nodding and smiling charmingly, "Yeah, I'll race, if I win I want your number and a date." I smirk at him, "and if I win?" He shruggs a little, before circling his car and getting in the driver seat, "then you'll get my number, and a date." Laughing humored I nod giving my agreement, "sounds like a plan, wanna race the street behind Watching Growths," referring to the school by name.

When he nods I smile and get into my car, peeling out of the parking lot, I drive to the street light before letting my car idle until he gets there. After, the race, which I won no matter what Justin tried to claim, we compromised, and swapped numbers with the promise of a rematch when we were both free to decide who's taking who on the date. Once back in my car I turn of the streets and into my schools back parking lot, and go inside to investigate.

Frowning in disgust at the main room, I was reminded of a summer camp for children, all of the students were set to sleep in the same room. With a hallway coming off of the main room, the bathrooms were at the front of the hallway. Further down the hallway was the rooms, I suspected were for the 8 different teachers although there were nine rooms, and then their classrooms at the very back.
Before I could go back to the main room something hit me in the back of the head, and I fell to the floor unconscious.

Waking up, I look around and find I'm in some old Sunday school looking building. With a dining area up front and three rooms off to the right. Standing up slowly because my head is pounding I walk to the kitchen area and pour myself some water. After drinking the glass, I walk to the front door and find added locks to it, making it impossible to open, with the keys that were left on the counter, which I pocketed as soon as I saw them. Walking to the front of the dining area I look at the back door out of the corner of my I and smirk lightly when I realise there aren't any extra locks on it, so I can unlock it and leave whenever I want to.

Walking to the rooms at the back of the building I call out, "Hello, anyone got some Tylenol, I have a killer headache from whatever you hit me with, so you kinda owe me." Hearing a scoff from one of the rooms before it opens, I relax slightly when I see a brunette girl with slightly curly hair, if she hadn't taken me hostage I might have thought she was pretty. "Owe you? No, if you want to leave here alive then you'll give me you parents phone number and pray they send me my money fast enough. Scoffing when she said that I smirk at here, "you really should have done your homework. They don't have phones, they do each have a lot, I can give you the address, but I doubt you'd get any money from them." She smirks in return, "you don't actually think I believe their broke, do you? You're going to Watching Growth and you think I'd believe that!?" Shaking my head I smirk knowingly, "Broke? No. Dead? Yes, cause they've been buried for like 3 years now, so if they weren't dead when they went in, they certainly are now. I would give you the money I got in life insurance, but I'm saving it for when I find the perfect house, so you can't have that." Pulling out my wallet I open it and find five or six hundreds, and hand it to her. "You can have this though, so I'll just go now." Walking to the front door I start dismantling the first lock.

Catching up to me she pockets the money and pushes my shoulder, making my turn to face her, "you're not going anywhere till I get my money, and it's not a few hundreds either." Frowning at her I tut lightly, "when you pocketed that money it was an agreement to the deal I proposed, but now you're saying no deal." Quickly I push her grab her right shoulder, spin her around, and put her in a head lock, before pulling down so we are sitting on the floor. "Give me my money back," I wait for her to grab it and set it to the side before smiling and tightening my grip when she grabbed a pocket knife out of her pocket. Leaning close to her ear I whisper, "you willing to bet on it? If you can stab me to make me let go before I break your neck you live, if not you die." Tightening my grip slightly in preparation I wait.

Just then the door opens again, and the guy I raced walks in with a light smile, when he takes in our position. Frowning slightly and pouting, "man I was looking forward to our date too..." He smiles charmingly at that and puts his hands up in surrender, "hey I'm just here to make sure nobody dies, and we had a deal, so you're not getting out of that date." Smiling when I hear that before cursing when the girl stabbed me in the leg, "Fuck! Bitch, I was talking!" Twisting her neck quickly, I release her now unconscious form after the third pop, and lay her on her back to my side. Standing up I grab the money and hobble to the kitchen area and grab a rag before pulling out the knife, I place the rag over the hole, and take off my belt and wrap it around the wound. Sitting down I look at the guy before sighing, "she's not dead, I just dislocated her 3rd cervical vertebrae. When she wakes up she'll take a deep breath and it'll pop back into place. Are you going to help me get to school now, or do I need to knock you out and then hobble my injured ass back?"

Laughing he shakes his head, "no, I'll help you, but you can't tell them she kidnapped you." Scoffing I look at him before realizing he's serious and groaning, "fine, but you're taking me on the date, and it better be fantastic!" Hobbling to the back door I take the keys, I swiped, out and unlocking it before waiting for him to help me down the stairs. When he stopped on the step in front of me I poke his back, "hey, you're supposed to help me, not stop me." He chuckles lightly before looking over his shoulder at me, "you're supposed to get on my back." Blushing lightly I nod, "oh yeah, um... Wouldn't it be better to get on at the bottom of the stairs, that way you don't fall over or something?" He shakes his head before wiggling his hands. Sighing I put my hands on his shoulders before grumbling, "just so you know if we face plant, I blame you." Jumping onto his back I squeak when he steps quickly down a step. Realizing he was laughing I pop him lightly on the shoulder, "Hey! I thought we were falling, I already got stabbed today, I'd rather not fall too. Oh, if anyone asks someone was trying to mug me, but you came and scared them off."
He nods understanding me, and turns a corner, which was a couple building down from the school.

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