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We had gone to a Halloween party Me, Karen, Sofie, and Charlotte. Something happened and Karen fell, the ambulance was called and they gave her some pain meds before telling her she'd be fine and to get home. We went to get our stuff, but when we came back Karen had disappeared, we didn't know at the time, but she'd been taken to the car by Sofie and Charlotte's father's, so we went back inside to find her. After checking upstairs and the main floor, we go down to the basement, where we find not a basement but a castle/ cave area. It starts out looking like a castle storage room or something, filled with antiques, but as we go we find a full creek down there(distantly I realize that it must open up to one of the surrounding lakes), with three different paths. One leads to a standard dock, the other goes straight ahead to another dock, but you have to walk through a section where the water has risen to about ankle depth in order to get to it, this dock has two ropes on each side to swing into the water,  and the wooden dock looks like it's going to fall apart at any second. The third path is a dead end, it's to the left of the main path and winds back into the caves, and looks exceptionally haunted, so we leave quickly and check the rest of the basement. With no luck we head into the final room, full of antiques set on top of each other with careful precision, on top of a cookoo clock there's a small jewelry box that looks like a bird box, it's brass with aged white cloth sides and a wicker front door, where the hole would be. The strangest thing it that on the roof of the jewelry box is a little circular piece that after pulling it out looks more like a key, one that I swear I've seen before. Deciding to hold onto the key until I can get better lighting and take a picture, we head up the stairs, which leads to a carport area, to the left of us it a set of worn white stairs that leads to the inside of the main house. Right after I reach the top of the stairs some, large, guy comes running at me another guy following close behind, out of instinct I wait until the guy is right at me to twist behind him and hold the thin key tip to his neck, watching the other guy I hiss, "back off or I'll stab him in the carotid," they guy glances to the front of the carport, where the owner is standing, before quickly backing up the stairs and closing the door. Shoving the large man away from me I back up, turning to set the key on one of the grills, I don't see they guy coming at me until it's too late. He hits me, almost tumbling me as he tries to sweep my legs out from under me, using my smaller stature to my advantage, I twist to face him and climb up him quickly. Planting my feet against his chest I kick as hard as I can, rolling to stand as he shoots back. I gasp softly as I feel the back of my leg, realizing he had a knife and tried to stab me I squeak, "You trued to stab me!" For some reason he runs one I say that, shoving the owner to the ground as he makes his escape. Realizing no one else is coming at us I turn back to the girls, checking on them before turning to look at the owner, I finally get a chance to take him in. He's tall, has the basic Mafia guy hair cut, and looks like he just got back from a meeting, in a now slightly less pristine suit, missing the jacket (he probably took it off when he came home) and is standing now, a lock of his gelled hair falling over his eyebrow. Locking eyes with him I speak softly, "we were just looking for my mom, the got hurt earlier and was given some pain meds and disappeared-" Sofia taps me and shows me her phone, with a message from her dad saying they're at the car, Karen included, and I sigh before continuing, "-and she's at the car..." Looking up at the man I sigh realizing how unbelievable that sounds, "look we just went all over the house looking for her, we even went into your creepy basement creek thing, my shoes are still wet... We didn't take anything.." I trail off as his gaze locks on the key and I frown," okay I did take that, but I wasn't stealing it, it just looks familiar so I was bringing it up so I could take a picture of it, I was going to put it back where I found it." He says nothing, but raises his brow, and I realize I don't have my phone. Checking all of my pockets and my bra, unknowingly groping myself in front of him as I pat my back pockets and squeeze my boobs to check my bra, I sigh, "..and it's gone..." Sofie grabs my arm and whispers that I should stop talking, and I whisper back, unaware that the sounds move in such a way that for him it sounds like I'm whispering in his ear, "look I'm trying to get us out of here, if he thinks we're hiding anything he'll keep us here, being honest it the only way out." I hiss softly as my leg bleeds more, and her eyes go wide when she realizes something and she whispers panicked, "Um- Kore, doesn't getting hurt push you into little-space?!" Tensing I put a hand over her mouth, "Shhh! Don't- just don't. Talking about it makes it worse okay, I'm fine..." Even the mention of it has my mind trying to fall into it and I squeezing my eyes shut as I force my big to stay present and I turn back to the guy, "look we came with our parents they came down to see us and we thought this would be a fun Halloween thing to do together, it's a cool house and everything, and it just spiraled..." His brow is quirked and he's forcing back a predatory smirk as he speaks calmly, and air of dominance and control in his tone, "I see... You're friends can go, you are hurt." A whine threatens to slip past my lips as I fall further from his tone and I speak softly, "oh-okay, I need to take them to the car... I parked and they came in with my mom... I um..." I try to think of something to give him to prove I'll come back, "...I don't have my wallet or my phone.." He looks at me for a second, before locking eyes on my necklace, "I'll hold your necklace until you come back." My hand goes up to my necklace, one I hadn't taken off since my dad gave it to me and I look at my friends, knowing they need to leave or our parents won't and they'll miss their flight home, I hesitantly take it off and hand it to him and mumble, "Okay, just.. don't lose it, okay? I'll be right back." Limping back to my friends I take them to the car, telling them the whole way I'll be fine and not to tell anyone what happened. Once we're at the car I tell our parents that I feel down the stairs and that the owners going to take me to the hospital, so they don't miss their flight. After handing me my wallet and phone, that's Charlotte's dad had taken from me when Karen got hurt and I just didn't remember, I head back to the carport.

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