Two murders in love (Guapoduo)

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A lot of blood and gore and murder it's the whole ordeal. Guapoduo (Roier and Cellbit)
I have been seeing alot of fan art lately of roier being a murderer, I don't know if I missed some lore but I created this so enjoy.
(Side note I have no clue if I spelled gatinho and guapito right so please let me know)

The sky glowed powerfully over the island spreading its black sparkly wings over the earth as the moon watched from its post. Cellbit stood staring out the red glass window waiting for any sign of life outside. His communicator buzzed underneath his hand the notification said that it was roier calling him. Picking it up quickly he answered it hearing heavy breathing in the background he knew this wasn't going to be good.

"Gatinho?..." roiers voice came through shaking as he took heavy breaths.
"Roier? Are you ok?" The brunette answered worried as questions filled the phone line.
"I need your help." he replied still shaking.
"What's going on?" cellbit asked.
"Oh mi amor I just killed a man..... " roier answered a small smile came on the brunettes faces as silence filled the phone.

"Where's your location?" he asked finally.
Roier replied with his location number as Cellbit packed up his backpack and started traveling to his location as fast as he could.

Roier stood starting at the dismembered body that was now purple and black, blood soaking his clothes as he held the bleeding crying heart of the man. The moon perfectly glow down on him showing his smile as the smell came into the air fighting with its force of the corpse smell. Soon running foot steps came closer to him.
"Guapito... Mi amor you look beautiful." The brunettes voice ran into his ears by the wind as roier turned around.

Cellbit walked closer grabbing at his waist moving the dark brunette closer their bodies touching as the smell of blood and love filled the air between them. Roier held out the bleeding heart to him his red eyes glowing with affection. Cellbit took it from him carfuly biting into it vital fluid poured out around his hand as his humanity disappeared and he gave into the hunger eating it quickly. Roier wiped the blood that streamed from the brown eyed brunette mouth.

"Sorry" cellbit replied turning his eyes away.
"It's ok I got it just for you." his glowing red eyes pierced with admiration for the taller as he talked.

Cellbit smiled as he looked to the dead body that was laying on the cold ground not fading away.
"We should get rid of the body." he said walking over to it.
"Yeah" He answered not moving.
"Well come on you killed him you have to help hide the body."

Roier laughed at the taller as he helped pick the cold corpse up and carry to the river cellbit easily threw it in and they watched as it flowed down hill.

✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨The end.
Hello my loves I hoped you enjoyed sorry it was really short ive been going through quite the writers block lately.

Anyways make sure to eat some healthy food drink water and get a good night's sleep.
I love you and I'm proud of you.

Question what's your favorite egg (dead or alive)?

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