Christmas with the family

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The snow sprinkled down in a hurry of wind as the trees stood moving slowly as the night moved pasted the little brown house. Philza sat chayanne on his lap slowly falling asleep as tallulah fully asleep on Wilbur's chest moved slightly. The fireplace glowed with color all over as the house filled with silence.

Outside the snow tracked footsteps as the storm continued as a tall figure walked closer opening the door and almost falling into the house as the simple skull mask was seen.

"Papas home." missa quietly whispered as chayanne jumped from the couch running into the ravenettes arms.
"Welcome home mate." philza replied getting up as well to help missa.
"I hope I'm not to late." missa said struggling to pull off his jacket.
"You are late." Wilbur replied from the chair as tallulah yawned and left to hug missa as well.
"Wil." philza struck back with a warning gase as he kissed missas cheek.
"Just saying."

Missa layed chayanne and tallulah back on the ground as he pulled off his coat before wrapping his arms around Phil kissing him lightly on the lips.
"Ewww" Wilbur said sounding like a five year old.

Philza just rolled his eyes as he held missa close the kids running around telling stories all at once.
"Alright you two." Phil replied.
"Chayanne made cookies and is very excited about it."
"I can tell is there any left? "
"Of course."

Phil helped missa over to the couch as chayanne jumped on his lap wanting to hear all about the ravenettes travels. Phil walked over to the kitchen getting missa something to eat.

✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨The end.
I hope you enjoyed and make sure to eat some food,drink water and get a good night's sleep.
Bye I love you and you deserve love ❤🌹♥

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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