Teaching to speak ( frubbo)

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Short and pretty crappy but I wanted to try this idea

Tubbo sat on the couch freds head on his lap as tubbo ran his fingers through his hair. Freds white bear ears flickered it was a comfortable silence as the two just wanted to be near each other. It was a peaceful day sunny was taking a nap in the other room so the two were all alone. Fred pulled out his book writing in it before showing tubbo what he wish he could say.

Could you teach me how to speak? It read.
"I didn't know you could speak boss man."
I can I just don't know how. They wrote.
"Well um what do you want to learn? "
"Oh um like you want to pronounce my name or..." his voice trailed off.
"Teach me your name please."
"Of course big man."

Tubbo leaned in laying a soft kiss on Fred's forhead before pronounces in slowly.

"Tu..bo.." he pronounced

Fred looked on trying his best to copy tho it mostly came out in very broken English. Tubbo places two fingers on Fred's lips helping him sound it out.
"Ta.. Bbooo.. " he tried his best but you could tell it was hard.
"good job." tubbo replied kissing Fred's cheek.

Fred pulled out the book again writing then showing tubbo. "I was never taught to speak." it's read.

"That's okay boss man I can get some flash cards to help if you want."
"That would be nice, thank you honey." Fred wrote tubbo blushed at the pet name.

Tubbo ran his fingers through Fred's white hair as Fred relaxed in his arms.

✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨The End
Short but I wanted to try this idea.
I hope you enjoyed and make sure to eat, drink some water and get a good night's sleep.
Bye I love you and I'm proud of you. 🌹♥

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