Prince and the rat??

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I do have Christmas chapters. I was away for the holiday and couldn't post so all of my Christmas chapters will be posted soon.
Yep yep totally normal to be kissing your rat husband yep don't judge.
Kissing really terrible writing I kinda gave up.
The Sun shown high coloring the sky with glittery light as clouds storm around showing a storm coming in. The little island sat smelling of mold and blood as cellbit and baghera walked covered in blood from their latest kill. As the brunette heard a noise of patterning feet or was he just going crazy it wouldn't be the first time. He turned seeing a tiny rat with a blue bandana and a red hoodie that looked alot like roiers. Baghera moved closer to the rat picking up a stick trying to poke it.

"Ayyy what the fuck." The rat screamed curses in Spanish at the two as they looked in shock.
"Roier? Guapito?" cellbit asked holding out his hands for the rat.
"Gatinho! I've been looking for you." roier replied walking on to cellbit hand.
"Why are you a rat? " baghera asked with the straightest face ever.
"Because I'm dreaming. " the little roier rat replied as he grabbed cellbit finger holding it.

The two humans looked at each other before shrugging this wasn't the craziest thing that's happened today. He placed roier on his shoulder who immediately started laying kisses on his cheek which made the human laugh. As the two walked to the little camp they had made, roier talked about his journey the entire way. Baghera grabbed some cheese that was only a little spoiled roier ate it happy to finally get food as cellbit rubbed to finger on his head. Baghera stood up grabbing her chainsaw looking around before seeing the prey she ran off disappearing into the trees the lovers payed no attention as screams could be heard.

When she return the rain pelted down as they rested cellbit picked up roier holding him close to his face kissing him roier kissed back and just like that the spell was broken hands wrapped around waist as two bodies moved against each other as they pulled away seeing roier standing there no longer a rat.
"I'm human." roier said his voice not fully normal yet.
"I'm so sorry guapito." cellbit said.
"Why what's going on."roier asked
"Come find me as fast as you can my love i will wait for you." cellbit replied
"What what wait." roier yelled

And just like that he was gone so was purgatory everything was black as he opened his eye. His husband wasn't there everyone was gone and he still was a fucking rat but now he knew what to do.

✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨The End.
Ended fast but I'm lazy. Any who if you'd like a part 2 I'll gladly do it

I hoped you enjoy
Make sure to eat some food drink some water and get a good night's sleep.
Bye I love you and you're beautiful.

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