Playing in the snow (Pacman duo)

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Im so sorry I've been gone for awhile I've been going through alot of personal stuff but I'm finally back and ik working on a system for my stories.
Pacman duo- pac x etoiles

The snow lay in packs all around the ground that used to be grass, the calm breeze blew by as the Sun was shining brightly over head refecting on the snow making it shimmer as the clouds moved on by not paying attention to the ground below. Etoiles stood waiting for Pac his white curly hair blowing softly in the wind when suddenly a snow ball hit his arm he turned to see a blue coat running across to a tree. Chuckling to himself he grabbed some snow creating a snow ball he aimed at the blue coat throwing it perfectly hitting Pac's arm. Laughter could be heard as another snow ball went flying this time landing at his feet as a small figure in a red coat hid behind a tree as child like laughter could be heard behind the oak tree.Etoiles snuck around the tree seeing Pac and pomme hiding behind a tree a pile of snow ball by their feet they were gigging so cutely.

Etoiles snuck over picking Pac up swiftly in his arms he nuzzled the soft pale neck as pomme threw another snow ball at him hitting his arm. Pac wrapped his arms around etoiles neck kissing him lightly as laughter filled the air from the three.

"I found you two." etoiles said kissing Pac's cheek.
"Yes you did." pac replied moving some white hair out of his face.
"We wanted to sneak up on you." pomme said whining.
"Aww sorry for ruining your plan." the cucumber man replied
"I guess we can let you go this time for it." pac said kissing etoiles cheek as he ruffled pommes hair.

✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨The end
I hoped you guys enjoyed
Make sure to eat drink some water and get a good night's sleep.

I love you ans I'm proud of you♥❤️🌹.

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