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The drive to Cousins was about 3 hours long and in that time several disagreements had occurred between the Conklin family about curfews and summer activities. Even though she didn't know Belly that well, she still considered her a little sister and if it wasn't for Steven insisting on her not joining in on the duo's activities, she would have loved to hang out with her.

"I'm going to get some snacks," Luna stated as they waited in the gas station for Laurel to fill the tank. They didn't have long left to go, but she knew if she waited any longer for food she would pass out. "Do you want anything?" she asked.

"I'll go in after you," Belly smiled.

"I want-"

"Takis, I know."

The minute Luna left the car, Belly smacked her brother over the head and flicked his ear at the same time. He groaned loudly and quickly turned round in his seat. "What was the fuck was that for?" he exclaimed as he rubbed his head, sending her very strong death glares.

"When are you going to ask her out?" Belly questioned.

"Luna? Never."

"Why not? She's perfect for you," Belly stated. "She even knows your favourite snack, that's absolutely adorable."

"Shut up."

"You have a crush on her, admit it."

"I do not."

"You do."

"I don't."

"You do"

"I'm not doing this all day with you, we are just friends and it will stay that way. Believe it or not, guys and girls can be friends without wanting to have sex with each other."


Belly thought about the huge crush she has had for years on one of her best friends, Conrad. Every summer when they came to visit them her heart would flutter whenever she saw him, and she had made it her mission this time to - as her friend Taylor would say - 'hot make-out with Conrad Fisher.' A small part of her was encouraging Steven to ask out Luna as she knew how beautiful the older girl was, and she didn't want anyone getting in the way of her 'mission.'

"Your mum is nearly done," Luna stated as she came back to the car only carrying one big bag of takis. She chucked them through the window, landing them perfectly onto Steven's lap and slid into the back seat, as Belly quickly ran into the store.

"Where are your snacks?" Steven questioned as he dived into the bag. Luna chuckled and reached over the seat, placing her mouth right next to his ear. He could feel her breath trailing down his back; shivers taking over every feeling in his body. "L-Luna?"

"You're my snack," she whispered seductively as she reached her hand down and snatched a handful of takis out of the bag.

"That's not fair, you can't act all sexy to steal my snacks," Steven exclaimed. Luna couldn't control her laughter as she noticed the blush appear on his face; when it came to food he hated to share, so she always had to come up with an innovative way to steal it.

"I wouldn't have to steal your snacks if they weren't so expensive. They cost me a whole five pounds, and since I left my phone in the car I could only afford to get you something."

"I feel like I need a cold shower," he blurted out, completely ignoring what she said. Luna rolled her eyes and chucked one of the stolen takis into her mouth, a small smirk appearing on her face as she glanced at him.

"Don't worry, I'm sure there's lots of girls at the beach that would be happy to help with that," she whispered. He glanced down and quickly pulled the bag of takis over his crotch, sending her a glare in the mirror.

"My little sister and mum will be back any time-"

"What about us?" Belly questioned.

"Don't be so nosey."

"Don't be mean to your sister."

There was a small unrecognisable glance shared between the two best friends; she had flirted with him like that before, but she had never caused that kind of reaction. She seemed completely unbothered by it; Steven, however, couldn't stop thinking about what had happened.

Paper Rings by Taylor Swift blasted out of the radio as they finished their final leg of the journey. Steven knew this summer was going to be different; but he didn't want anything to change between them. It was perfect how it was.

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