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"Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine, Steven," Luna responded as she rested her head in her hands, her body pressed against the toilet in case she needed to vomit. It had been twenty minutes since she had taken the medication - and it had only just started working.

"It's actually Conrad. Is this because of the-" he paused as he opened the door, eyes widening at the sight of her. It was clear that she was not well. "What's wrong?" he asked as he rushed over to her side, placing a hand against her forehead. "You're burning up."

"I'll be fine," Luna dismissed.

"You don't look it."

"Trust me," she smiled. "You will see me dancing down to the bonfire like nothing has happened." He looked at her like he didn't believe her and if she was going to be honest with herself, she didn't believe her words either.

"I think you should stay here."

"I can't—."

"If you were about to use Steven as an excuse, it's not going to work. You know that he would agree with me on this."

Luna knew he was right. He would never let her go if he knew she was feeling unwell, and she wanted, no needed, to go."I promise I will be fine, please don't tell him that I wasn't feeling well."

He furrowed his eyebrows, knowing deep down inside that it was a bad idea. However, she seemed determined to go and it was clear no-one was going to stop her. "Fine."

"Thank you."

He stood up from his crouched position and saluted her. "I'm going for a smoke, I'll be at the pool if you need anything." Luna nodded, a slight smile on her face as he left the room. Everything was going to be alright.


"Are you coming?" Steven shouted as Luna rummaged through her luggage for an outfit. She had spent most of her time doing her makeup, to cover up for the fact that she currently looked like the walking dead. "We will leave without you."

"No you won't," Jeremiah loudly whispered.

"Shut up," Steven snapped back.

Luna grabbed the first thing that looked mildly suitable and threw it on. She walked over to the mirror and sighed. "It's not perfect, but it will do," she mumbled to herself as she rushed downstairs.

"Damn, you look good," Jeremiah exclaimed as she approached the group of boys at the door, a blush forming on her face instantly

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"Damn, you look good," Jeremiah exclaimed as she approached the group of boys at the door, a blush forming on her face instantly.

"Err-yeah, you l-look good," Steven stuttered out.

Jeremiah rolled his eyes at his friend's blatant failure to flirt and discretely patted him on the back. 'Why did I say that?' Steven internally groaned as he tried to take his eyes off his best friend.

Conrad, however, remained silent and emotionless as he stood looking her up and down; like he was judging every little thing about her. "Aren't you going to be cold?"

"I will be fine."

"Are you sure?"


"I think you should take a cardigan or something."

The other two boys glanced between the pair, wondering why Conrad was overly concerned about her well-being. It was almost like there was some sort of secret code happening between them. "She said she will be fine, if she gets cold she can have my jacket," Steven interrupted.

"See I'll be fine," she smiled, gesturing towards him.

"Whatever," Conrad said, rolling his eyes. "Can we just go already?"

"Is Belly not coming?" Luna asked, secretly hoping that she had given up on movie night; she wanted someone to talk to about all the cute boys that would be there. 

"Steven won't let her come," Jeremiah stated.

"You're leaving her out...again?"

Steven sighed. He appreciated how protective she was of his little sister, but it meant that whenever they made plans, she would always ask about her; and most of the time he just wanted Luna to himself.

"I barely want you there, never mind my younger sister. It's full of hormonal teenage boys that only have one thing on their mind."

"Like you?"

"Yes, wait, no," Steven corrected.

"She's got you there," Jeremiah chuckled.

Conrad leant against the door, tapping his fingers on the frame. He glanced at the clock and clapped his hands to get everyone's attention. "I'm sorry to interrupt this mother's meeting, but I would actually like to get to this bonfire before it ends."

"Chill," Steven stated. He noticed the harsh glare on his friends face and mocked saluted him as he walked out of the door, whispering to Jeremiah about 'the stick up his ass'.

As Luna walked towards the door, Conrad placed a hand on her shoulder. "What are-" she was interrupted by him leaning down and whispering into her ear.

"I don't think I'll be able to keep my eyes of you when you look so good."

The moment the words left his mouth, Luna froze in her spot. Any confidence she had previously wiped away; her mind was working tirelessly to come up with a flirty comeback.

Conrad chuckled at the look on her face as he held out his hand, gesturing for her to exit. "Ladies first," he smiled, cockily. Luna rolled her eyes in an attempt to hide the fact that she was internally cursing herself for being so embarrassing, and rushed towards the car.

It was going to take a lot of self-restraint to not fall pray to the older boys words.

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