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The drive down to the house was the most nerve-racking part of the whole journey. Luna had heard so many incredible stories about the Fisher brothers, that she felt like she was meeting royalty; she knew she had to make a good first impression as her best friend cared very deeply about them.

"Are you okay?" Steven asked.

"I'm just a little nervous."

"Don't be nervous, honey. The Fisher's are lovely, they will make you feel like part of the family instantly. You are already a part of ours," Laurel reassured a huge smile on her face.

Luna kept silent as the car came to a stop. Her heart was racing as she thought out every single step she had to make; she was always nervous when meeting new people, but once she got to know them they saw a completely new side to her.

"These guys are like my brothers, you don't need to be nervous around them. You know that if they do anything to you, I will bite their ankles," Steven joked, trying to relieve some of the nerves she was feeling. It seemed to work as she instantly calmed down. Luna carefully watched as one of the boys came towards the car, greeting the two Conklin women with open arms.

"Steven, are you in there?"

"That's Jeremiah," Steven whispered. "Are you ready?"

Luna nodded as they both opened their doors. Steven was instantly greeted by some kind of secret handshake and lots of laughter; it was clear how close they were. Luna couldn't help but smile at the interaction as she leant against the car door, watching the pair intensely. Jeremiah's eyes quickly travelled over towards her. "You must be the beautiful, Luna. I've heard lots about you."

"No flirting with her," Steven warned.

Jeremiah smirked and wrapped his arm around Steven's neck, ruffling his hair as the two playfought, exchanging little mumbles in between. Luna glanced over towards Belly, whose eyes were now fixated on the tall brunette walking out of the house. It was obvious that she had a crush on the older boy as her face lit up the second eye contact was made.

"Belly?" "Connie."

Those were the only words spoken as he wrapped his arms around the younger girl. "You look so different," he said with a smile on his face as he looked her up and down, taking in the new appearance.

"Is that a compliment?" Belly questioned.

"Hm, I like you better with braces."

There was a moment when Luna was going to step in, thinking that he was making fun of her. However, she didn't have the chance to as he quickly walked away, straight past her and towards the two boys that were still play fighting.

'Did I do something wrong?' she thought as she remained awkwardly stood at the car. It was currently her safe place, if she needed to she could jump back in the car and drive home. However, she didn't have much chance to ponder on it as she was soon being pulled in for a hug, by who she could only assume to be Susannah. "It's lovely to meet you, Steven talks a lot about you every summer. We have been dying to get you to come and visit."

"Thank you for having me."

"You are always welcome."

"Do you know what time it is?" Jeremiah shouted as he glanced down at his 'non-existent' wristwatch. The two mother's shared knowing looks as the boys charged towards Belly and chased her around the driveway, before grabbing her by the ankles and carrying her around to the back of the house.

"Should I be concerned?" Luna questioned.

"They throw her in the pool every year. Why don't you go and join them?" Susannah stated.

"Is it okay if I go for a walk? I like to get a good understanding of my surroundings," Luna explained.

"Of course."

𝗻𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗳𝗲𝗰𝘁 ♡︎ 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗿 𝗶 𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗻𝗲𝗱 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘁𝘁𝘆Where stories live. Discover now