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Luna walked into the kitchen, her clothes and hair absolutely drenched. "Steven?" she shouted as she walked a little further in. It had only just occurred to her that she hadn't even been shown around the house. Luna knew that if she had smoked alone, she would have been home a lot sooner. It's so easy to get distracted when someone else is there.

"Luna, your phone."

There was the voice of her saviour. She turned around and smiled as she was greeted by an extremely drenched Conrad, dangling her phone between his two fingers in an attempt to keep it dry. "Thank you so much."

He handed it over to her and she instantly read all the texts; mainly from her best friend. Her heart raced as she saw the last text; he was definitely annoyed at her.

STEVEN 11:30

Susannah said you went on a walk, let me know when you are back and I'll show you around the house.

STEVEN 12:30

Me and Jere are going to play some video games, I know what you are like and you've probably lost track of time. Let me know when you are back.

BELLY 13:00

My mum and Susannah want to know whether you are coming to movie night, or going to the bonfire with the boys? xx

MUM 13:30


MUM 13:31

I love you xxxx

STEVEN 14:00

Text me back, please.

STEVEN 14:55

Me and Jere are heading to the shops before dinner. Let me know if you want anything.

LAUREL 15:30

Us girls have just nipped out to get some drinks for tonight's movie marathon, I hope you make the wise choice of joining us for it. Don't worry if you want to go to the bonfire though...I know Steven will be there xx

STEVEN 15:45

Where the hell are you? I've been trying to call you. I'm hoping you will be at the beach house when we get back or I will have to send out a search party for you. You've been gone nearly the whole afternoon. I know you like to go off by yourself sometimes, but this is a little unfair. It's day one of OUR summer trip, and your MIA.

"I have no idea what to say to him," she stated.

"Tell him the truth," Conrad stated as he dried off his hair with the towel. Luna looked at him in disbelief, watching as he grabbed a cold beer out of the fridge, and pulled the cap off with his teeth. "Want one?"

"Not right now, I need to sort this out with Steven."

In a matter of seconds, the phone was pulled out of her hands and into his as he opened up her messages, and quickly typed an excuse.

"There," he said handing her the phone. Luna gave him a disapproving look and checked over the message, surprised with what he had come up with; it was actually pretty good, but she would never admit it. "I'll show you to your room so you can get dried off."

LUNA 16:15

I'm so sorry. I got carried away exploring and my phone died. I'm back at the house, luckily Conrad was here. I'll see you when you get here x

∘•········ʚ ♡ ɞ ········•∘

"Luna, you need to wake up," Steven said softly, kneeling over her on the bed to place a kiss against her forehead. It was normal for them. No matter how annoyed they were at each other, they would always gently wake each other up. Luna mumbled incoherently, head shaking before she rolled away from him and curled back into herself. "Everyone's waiting downstairs for dinner."

"I'm so tired, can I not just sleep?"

"Luna Grace Douglas, get that cute little ass out of bed and come downstairs. You have spent the entire afternoon alone, and now I want to spend some time with you. If you don't, I will cry," Steven stated. Luna stared at him as he made the famous puppy dog face, fluttering his eyelashes at her.

"Fine," she sighed as she threw a pillow towards him, hitting him directly in the head. She couldn't stand his puppy dog face. Luna sent him an innocent smile as she climbed out of the bed and straightened her clothes out. "Do I look okay?"

"You look fine," Steven commented as he took a hold of her hand and dragged her towards the door. However, he was soon stopped in his tracks when he felt her pull back. "What's wrong?"

"I feel awful about ditching you today, I just got caught up in my own head and lost track of time. It's such a beautiful place that I just wanted to see everything."

"You have all summer for that," Steven chuckled.

"I know, it's just that—it doesn't matter, I just hope you can forgive me," Luna smiled.

He pulled her into his arms and tightly hugged her, placing a kiss on the top of her head. "I could never be mad at you even if you murdered me, or tortured me."

"You'd be dead, Steven. I don't think you would be feeling anything."

He rolled his eyes and threw her over his shoulder, ignoring several of her threats which mainly consisted of his 'balls being chopped off'. Everyone's eyes were on them as they entered the dining room. "Can you guys be normal for two minutes?" Laurel asked as she watched her son and his best friend approach the table in the most unconventional way possible.

"It's Steven and Luna we are talking about, I don't think they know the word normal," Belly joked.

"It's Steven and Luna we are talking about, I don't think they know the word normal," Steven mocked in a childish tone as he placed Luna carefully onto the ground.

"I think you've just proved her point," Luna commented, patting him on the back and ruffling his hair. He brushed her hand off, a small blush formed on his face and he quickly made his way over to the empty seat next to Jeremiah. "I'm sorry for keeping everyone waiting, I must have been that exhausted from the journey that I passed out," she commented as she walked over to the only empty chair.

"I think you are clearly the one that can't handle it," Conrad whispered extremely quietly as she sat down. Luna sent him a glare as he smirked, proud that he had gotten under her skin. It was going to be a long summer.

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