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"Wow," Luna muttered, her eyes catching sight of the bonfire as they drove up to the beach. It was beautiful. The flames were lighting up the night sky, just enough for her to notice that everyone was scattered along the beach, chatting and drinking away.

"Are you going to try and pull anyone tonight?"

The question had come from Jeremiah; it was no secret that he liked to make out with anyone and everyone at any party he went to. 'Live while you're young' he would say when questioned about it.

"I might do," Steven cautiously replied as he glanced at Luna, who was still too preoccupied with taking in all the sights to even pay attention to the conversation. "We all know that you will."

"Of course," Jeremiah joked.

"What about you, Luna?" Conrad asked.

As soon as she heard her name, she snapped out of her trance. She glanced towards the boy and scratched the back of her head; she had no idea what they had been talking about. "Sure," she replied, trying to pretend like she had been listening.

"What?" Steven questioned, slightly hurt by her response. He didn't want anyone touching her. "Most of the guys here are way out of your league."

"Excuse me?" Luna scoffed.

"I didn't—I meant—I was supposed to say you are way out of their leagues, but it didn't come out that way," Steven waffled, clearly panicked by the thought of his best friend kissing someone. His attempt to salvage the conversation was unsuccessful as Luna wore an extremely annoyed expression on her face.

"I think what he was—oh look, we are here!" Jeremiah exclaimed, quickly trying to bring the atmosphere up. He wanted everyone to have fun; it was the first night of their summer.

Luna, however, couldn't help but feel hurt by his comments; even if he didn't mean it, it would still play on repeat in her mind. But she had come to have fun, so she would deal with her feelings in the morning. "Let's get this party started."

"That's the spirit, Luna," Jeremiah cheered.


Luna sat at the edge of the bonfire, staring out at the ocean. It had been a couple of hours since they had arrived and 95% of that time had consisted of her awkwardly trying to talk to strangers while her best friend ignored her entire existence. "Oh—just perfect," she mumbled as she watched him wrap his arms around some random girl's shoulders while she fluttered her eyelashes at him. Gross.

"Are you going to sit around moping all night—or are you going to come and party like you wanted to?"

Luna turned around and was greeted by Jeremiah smiling widely at her, a drink in one hand and the other outstretched inviting her to come and dance with him.

"I'll come and join in a bit," Luna replied, not taking her eyes away from Steven and his 'new friend'; who, much to her disliking, was beautiful.

"You look sad—and pathetic," Jeremiah said, bluntly.


"Luna, you look hot as fuck and you should be up dancing, drinking, flirting with strangers—having the time of your life," Jeremiah told her.

"You sound like a middle-aged mum."

"You look like a middle-aged mum."

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