Podrace betting

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It was a sunny morning, as usual on Tatooine, when, as planned, Anakin and I had gone to Watto to tell him that Qui-Gon wanted to support us in the race. At first Watto laughed at us until tears welled up in his eyes, but then he realized we were serious. "The boys tell me you want to sponsor them in the race." Watto asked with furrowed eyebrows and his beady yellow eyes staring at Qui-Gon in disbelief. "How can you do this? Not on Republic credits, I think, huh?"

Qui-Gon just raised an eyebrow while Watto continued to banter, the Jedi reached into his belt and pulled out his hologram before holding it out for Watto to see. He pressed a button and an image of his ship appeared before us. I tried my best to stifle a gasp but my eyes still grew wide. Sure I knew he had a ship, but I didn't know it was that nice of a ship.

"My ship will be the entry fee." Qui-Gon stated and I saw Anakin's jaw drop a little. I felt Qui-Gon lay a soft hand on my shoulder, while Watto eyed the ship like a hawk. "Not bad, huh?" Watto said as he narrowed his eyes at the ship and started stroking the stubbles on his chin as he continued to stare at the ship. "A Nubian, huh?" "It's in good order, except for the parts I need." Qui-Gon explained before mashing a button and the hologram disappeared.

"But what would either one of them ride?" Watto asked with a frown as he then turned to both of us and narrowed his eyes coldly at us. "The boys smashed up my pod in the last race. It will take some long time to fix?" "It wasn't our fault, really. Sebulba flashed us with his vents. We actually saved the pod mostly!" I tried to defened Anakin and myself. "Mmm. That you did." Watto said with a gruff laugh as he wagged a finger at us before he started to chuckle darkly as he turned back to Qui-Gon. "The boys are good. No doubts there, huh?" He said with a shrug.

"I have acquired a pod in a game of chance, the fastest ever built. It's also the first pod that is a two-man craft so both of the boys will be able to race the pod." Qui Gon told as he gave Anakin a reassuring smile. "I hope you didn't kill anyone I know for it, huh?" Watto asked with a curious face as he twiddled with his fingers before he let out a laugh. "So, you supply the pod and the entry fee, and I supply the boys. We split the winnings, um, 50-50, I think, huh?"

"If it's going to be 50-50." Qui-Gon said as he then let go of my shoulders and ushered me beside Anakin while he got a stern look on his face and approached Watto. "I suggest you front the cash for the entry." Qui-Gon said as he circled around Watto in a challenging manner before he stopped in front of the Toydarian. "If we win, you keep all the winnings, minus the cost of the parts I need. And if we lose." Qui-Gon started as he circled Watto again and stopped across from where he was without making eye contact with Anakin and me. "You keep my ship. Either way, you win."

Watto thought about it for a moment and I was stunned. Qui Gon had seriously given the ship as a bet? " Hmm..deal! " Watto finally said and sealed it with a handshake with Qui Gon. He seemed satisfied and gave Anakin and me a smile before he left. "Your friend is a foolish one, methinks." Watto grumbled to us in Huttese as soon as Qui-Gon had left the room. Anakin gave Watto an annoyed look while I crossed my arms at the boss.

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