Sand planet

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It was the middle of the night. I tossed and turned in my bed, a dark dream seeming to besiege my head. It felt as if my heart, my thoughts and my soul were being pulled at the same time, a pain so deep that I felt a tugging in my chest. "No,Mum. No." I turned my head back and forth to prevent the dream from penetrating too much into my subconscious.

I was confused. Everything seemed cold, lost, lonely,hopeless. Somewhere I recognized my mother, who was suffering agonies I didn't dare to imagine. She cried for help, stretched out her arm drowned in blood, and I saw fear in her eyes for the first time.

I tried to grab her, to grasp her, to save her, but every time I reached out for her hand, she only moved further away. It seemed hopeless, and all I wanted to do was cry until my tears burned me. Suddenly everything went black with my mother's last scream, after which darkness spread over me.

I snapped open my eyes and was suddenly lying in the bed in the cottage in my room. "No."I brought out, a few drops of sweat running down my face. I felt exhausted, a deep pain in my chest.

I could not fall a sleep the rest of that cruel night, haunted by the nightmares that encompassed my mother. I had been having them for a while, but by now it had reached a point where my imagination seemed to merge with reality. My dreams plagued me like a ghost.

When the sun came up, I was still lying there awake. Although my eyes were open, I did not feel real. Everything I did felt passive, as if my spirit had left my body. I finally found the strength to get up,my whole body aching with exhaustion. The warm rays of Naboo's sun tickled my sweaty skin, and I quickly put on a loose shirt before I put on my shoes. What I needed was fresh air and a little light. In my room everything seemed dark.

A cold breeze passed through my hair as I opened the front door. The people in the cottage seemed to be still asleep, but I was grateful to have a little time to myself. I closed my eyes and tried to think of something other than my cruel thoughts surrounded by blood. I would have loved to burn my way across the galaxy, to my mother and carry her home in my arms.

I quickly blinked those thoughts away. I cleared my mind, I focused mainly on the power, the balance that lay dormant deep with in me. Naboo's sun took my body, gave me the warmth. Suddenly I felt apresence. Not just any presence, it was that of a certain senator who had already conquered my heart ten years ago, and then broke it again.

"Don't go. " "I don't want to disturb you." Padme replied in surprise. "Your presence is soothiung." I said, still with my eyes closed. "You had another nightmare last night." She said softly as I opened my green eyes. "Jedi don't have nightmares." Came my defiant reply after a moment's thought. "I heard you." Padme said,letting out a soft sigh.

I remained silent for a few seconds." I saw my mother." My voice dripped with sadness. Or was it frustration? Anger? I couldn't really define it myself. I turned to face her."She's suffering,Padme." I said, taking a step toward her. "I saw her as clearly as I see you now." Then I turned away again and put my hands on my hips. I let out a deep sight.

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