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Czarielle woke up with a growling stomach. Her eyes darted to the handsome man beside him.

She smiled quickly before it fades away because they need to go on with their normal daily routine.

Sometimes she forgot that Laxton Hendrix is not the CEO of the biggest company in the country. He looks like a normal salary man employee by the way he cooks, cares about her and everything. But she cannot deny that being a Billionaire's son comes with a big responsibility while her only responsibility is the PhotoShop she co-owns with her friend Freeda.

She sighs deeply before carefully removing his hand on top of her waist. They need to eat and she knew when Laxton Hendrix woke up, he's famished.

Cza walked towards the big refrigerator and opened it. The smell of frozen foods enveloped her nose. She carefully checked the expiration dates to make sure the frozen ones were still good to eat.

After she checked, she got two pieces of tomahawk steak which was individually wrapped and put it on the kitchen counter. Since the aromatics are already above the labatory cabinet, she just  washed the meat, patted it with a kitchen tissue before she put the seasoning.

Then she got the pan, drizzling some oil in it and let the steak cook.

A memory came flashing in her mind quickly...

As the youngest daughter in Racaza family, she was always left alone in the house together with their housekeeper, cook and chauffeurs. There's no chance that their family would eat at one table because his father and mother were the famous couple doctors in the nearby hospital and they have a jam-packed schedule everyday.

Cza always wonder how their parents managed to still get some sleep.

As for their elder brother Reuben, he's already an intern or in his third year of residency in the same hospital under general surgeon department--same as their parents-- and they often see each other every other day.

Alexa Marie, her older sister is always with her friends, flaunting her luxury items collection. Although her sister is still in her first year of residency in the same department as Reuben, she always stays outside in a dormitory.

Czarielle wondered why her sister was always favored by their mother while she--still in first year in med school-- never got things she needed for school.

So she decided to cook a meal for all of them to see each other at least one time at the dining table.

She took out a steak in their fridge, cooked it in medium rare, like what they wanted, and put it in five separate cooking pans.

Her only fault is that the heat is set too high so the steak got burnt a little while the meat is cooked rare.

She was able to make her mistake a secret but the timing isn't right. In a split second, their parents with her older siblings came in together and saw that she's holding the plate.

"Wow, dinner is already finished! I'm famished so it's good!" Alexa exclaimed with her hand gesture, urging her to put the plate in front of her after she sat at the dining table.

Her mother Audrey fake coughed.

Her curious brother Reuben wiggled his eyebrows for the silent question as to why she's holding a plate of steak.

Czarielle sighs. Well, they might not know it's her cooking so like a maid, she put the steak plate one by one in front of them.

Just before she can get her own plate of steak--which she put in the oven to cook more-- her mother shouted in horror!

"Yah! Go get the cook and tell them to get here fast!" Audrey commanded her.

Czarielle immediately kneeled. "The cook has nothing to do with this, mom. I cooked it." Tears start to fall off her cheeks.

"What? You haven't finished school yet and you're already wasting money like this?! How dare you!" Audrey raggingly walks towards her, grabbing her hair left to right while her sister is kicking her in her left and right limbs.

Audrey was not content with the violence. She even got a knife and cut her hair in the shortest way she could cut it before she removed her hand on her.

Czarielle was traumatized by the incident. Another incident came in after that multiple times to the point that she became a laughing stock of her classmates. She was even requested to see the guidance counselor with her parents but as she expected, nobody came for her.

That was the turning point of her life, when she had decided that med school is enough and she cannot take physical, mental, emotional and social disrespect for her well-being.

That was the time she stole all the money in the vault of her parents bedroom and went all out on her hobby photography.

And the rest was history...

A slight touch on her navel makes her jump in surprise.

"Hey brat! What are you thinking deeply that you didn't see me flip the meat?" Laxton Hendrix chuckled a bit.

Czarielle was astounded. She opens her mouth to say something but she decides to just close it and let her thoughts to herself. She didn't want him to know about her family. Never.

"I-I-I was stunned as to how aromatic the steak was!" She lied, carefully observing his face if he would buy her lie.

Laxton Hendrix just wiggle her head, still cannot believe her but he said, "Okay. As you say so." Then he finished the cooking.

Embarrassed, Czarielle started to put back the glass table in its place yesterday, in front of his big tv and wait for him there.

For the first time, they ate silently. Only the sound of fork and knife cutting the steaks can be heard between them.

An alarm from her phone broke the silence.

Laxton Hendrix eyed her. Cza chuckles uncomfortably.

"It means it's twelve midnight. The alarm will turn off after thirty seconds." She reassuringly said while chewing slowly to avoid any more conversation.

Laxton Hendrix noticed how down she was so after they ate, when Cza was washing the dishes, he called someone to reopen the Vanderveide amusement park franchise near the office.

Those kinds of things only happen when you have  a lot of money and he is very thankful for that.

Sometimes having influence on people makes him feel at ease because he can give what normal men cannot to their loved ones.

She wasn't able to wipe her hands with a cloth because Laxton Hendrix already snatched her hand and urged her to go to the garage where the first came in.

"I don't want to hear any complaints or questions. Or else--"

"What? You'll kiss me?" Czarielle smirked. "Do you still think I'm afraid of that, brat?"

Laxton Hendrix chuckled loudly. "No. Or I'll kick you out of my car in the middle of the highway."

"Very brutal Mister Vanderveide!" She shrugged her head in disbelief. "We'll see about that, haha!"

Laxton Hendrix rolled his eyes and smirked.

"That's the energy I'm looking for. Now I know that I need to be rude and inconsiderate just to see her normal mood back." He said to himself.


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