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I was moving things around in my room when I came across...that box...I set it under my bed and then continued.

My aunt smiled,"We're gonna head to lunch,you gonna be okay?"

"I'll be good"i said.

She smiled and left,I continued.

I showered and changed...

So,about me,I come from a very long line of witches,but..the gene skipped me,I can't do magic at all.

So..my parents kicked me out and disowned me,my aunt Laurel and uncle Jackson,took me in.

My aunt is an amazing witch,my uncles human,and he's very sweet.

I sat on my bed and sighed,my legs swinging,I took the box out and stared at it.I locked it in my cupboard and sighed.

I made myself lunch.

I grew up with this nagging feeling,in my heart..and it's just..

I shook head and then walked to the couch,I ate,my aunt doesn't judge me for not being a witch.

My parents do and some of my family members,especially my younger cousins..who are all learning magic now.

I shook away the thoughts and finished up my food,I washed up and walked to my room.I read on my bed.

'...open it'

I looked up alarmed,"Hello?"I asked and stood up.

I gripped my book,"Hello?!"I called.

'...open the box..let us out'

I looked at my cupboard,"What the fuck...what the fuck..."

I moved away from the cupboard and to my door.

'...open the box....'

I gripped the door handle,I opened the door and ran downstairs.My aunt and uncle walked in,they watched me.

"Everything okay?"my uncle asked.

"Yeah..just...caught a fright"

My aunt watched me,she held my face,"What's wrong?"

"Nothing..I just heard the door,I was reading"

She nodded slightly,my uncle walked away singing something obnoxiously.

My aunt watched me,"What's wrong?"she whispered.

"They're trapped in that box right?"i whispered.

She nodded,"Of coarse,they can't break out unless you let them"

I nodded,"Okay"

"What's the matter?"

"I..think they're talking to me"

She walked me to my room and sat me down,she sat down.

"What are they saying?"

"To let them out..to open the box"

"You didn't try too?"

I shook my head,"No,I..I ran downstairs and saw you"

She nodded,"Okay...keep them locked up,they can't hurt you while they're in there"

I nodded,she held my cheeks,"They can't hurt you"

I nodded,"Okay"

She held me close and kissed my head,"Now..let me get dinner going,your uncle wants to try a new recipe so..hold thumbs we don't die"she laughed and walked downstairs.

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