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Catherine and I cuddled, she stroked my hair gently.

She watched me,"I love you so much"

"I love you so much"

She looked up,"Hello sister"

I looked behind me,Victoria smiled and laid down behind me and cuddled into me.

"Hello my love,they're both asleep"she whispered.

"Hi love"i whispered and smiled at her,she kissed me gently.

"You're warm enough?"she whispered.

I nodded,Catherine and Victoria sat up suddenly.

They stood up,Catherine scooped me up,"Let's go"Victoria said softly.

And they ran,when we stopped we were at my house,Victoria jumped up,opened my window and climbed in.

Catherine jumped up,held the window sill,and let me climb in,I helped her in,she smiled.I closed and locked my window.I closed the curtains.

"Everything okay?"i whispered.

They looked at each other,"There were..wolves..close by,they didn't seem notice us hopefully..but we didn't want to take the chance"

I nodded,Catherine showered and changed,Victoria went after her and changed.

I showered after them and changed into my pjs,they had gotten silk night gowns,in black and a deep red,it stopped mid thigh.

We cuddled in my bed under the blankets.I snuggled close,"I'm sorry we had to come home early"i whispered.

"Don't apologise"Catherine whispered.

I kissed their cheeks,"I'm a bit sleepy"i whispered.

"Sleep"they whispered holding me tightly.

I fell asleep feeling safe.

I woke up the next morning alone,I frowned and sat up,I saw them standing by my window staring at me.

I frowned sitting up,"What's wrong?"I asked softly.

"You're bleeding,my love"Victoria said gently.

Catherine looked worried,I frowned and looked at my arms,down my shirt,I picked up the blanket...oh..

For fuck sakes..my period started.

I got up,used the toilet and got new undies and put a pad on,they watched me.

"It's just my period,it happens every month"

They cocked their heads,"Ah..we forgot"

I nodded,"Yeah,so I wear something in my undies to stop it from spilling everywhere"i said softly.

I changed my sheets and made my bed,I watched them,"You guys okay?"I asked walking to them.

They stopped me,"Wait"Catherine whispered.

Victoria walked to me slowly,Catherine followed.

She watched my pants closely,she knelt down and sniffed.

She smiled,"We..we forgot what it's like"she said softly.

"And you smell delicious"Victoria whispered,she knelt down and sniffed.

She smiled and nuzzled my centre,I giggled,Catherine smiled and chuckled.

Victoria stood up,Catherine nuzzled my centre next,I giggled again.

Catherine stood up,I blushed,"I hope it doesn't bother you guys"i whispered.

"Not at all"they said.

I smiled and walked downstairs, I wore a jacket so I could hide my left hand and the ring,I made breakfast..my aunt walked in,she looked tired.

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