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"How's the studying going?"my uncle asked.

"Pretty good"i said and poured him coffee,he smiled and took it.My aunt had left early for work,my uncle chugged his after seeing the time.

He grabbed his things and dashed to his car,I locked up.I walked upstairs and showered and changed.

'...my love...'

I climbed into the attic,I grabbed the box and walked back to my room,I locked up the attic again and then locked myself in my room.

"If you're both lying to me..."i said.

'Why would we have any reason to lie?You can feel it my love'

I opened the box,"How do I do this?"i asked.

'Break the spheres'

"I can't...the stories-"

I set the spheres down,"I'm sorry..but I can't..i whispered.

My heart was hurting,I sat down and cried.

'My love..breathe'

'Breathe my love'

"How...how do you know..that I'm your mate..how can I trust you to not go apeshit"


I rolled my eyes,"You care about my language but not-"

''We care about you,we will not hurt you or your family,let alone anyone else'

"I'm scared"

'Of us?'

"No,of what happens when people find out"

'We will look after you'

I picked up the one sphere.

"The red one my love"

I picked up the red one,setting down the other one," You promise not to hurt me"i whispered.

'I swear we won't hurt you'

"How do I break it..with my hands or..do I drop it?"

'Drop it'

I got a towel and dropped it,it cracked...I dropped it again,that mist flowed up slowly.

I stepped back,the mist formed a person.The person reached out her arm,I took it.

She pulled me close and hugged me,"There you are"she whispered.

Her hands cupped my ass,she pulled me close,I nuzzled her neck.

"Look at how gorgeous you are"she whispered.

I blushed,I pulled back and looked up at her.She has long blonde hair,she's physically sixty.

She held my face,"Hello my love"

"Hi"i whispered.

'Any-day now please..I'd also like to see her'

I smiled and giggled.

She picked up the other sphere and dropped it on the towel.The sphere cracked and mist flowed out .Black mist went up and then formed a person.

"I'm Victoria"the woman holding me whispering.

The other woman hugged me close,"Hello my love"

She snuggled me,"I'm Catherine"she whispered,she had long black hair also the same age physically as Victoria.

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