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I heard voices downstairs, Catherine and Victoria had locked me in the room, I carefully moved one, of the bedside tables against the door. I hid behind the bed and waited.

The speaking, turned to shouting. I looked at the door.

'FUCK!now someones found us'

I heard my aunts voice, "Where is she?"

"That doesn't concern you"Victoria said.

I looked at the window and then at the door, "I know shes in the house, if not then shes near by, you two cant be apart from her" my aunt said.

"I thinks its time you leave"Victoria said.

"No, Im leaving without my niece"

"She is our mate, we love her and we will look after her, she doesn't need to be back with you" Catherine said. I moved the side table back to where it was, I walked downstairs, Catherine appeared in front of me suddenly.

"Its okay love, Ill be okay" I whispered.

She didn't seem convinced or happy with it, but she walked me into the living room. Victoria kissed me gently, they put me behind them.

My aunt saw me, "Sweetie pie!"

"Hi"I said softly, she walked to me, Catherine looked down at me, I nodded, she moved back slightly, my aunt hugged me.

"You cant just run off!" she whispered.

"I had to, I couldn't be around those people, or you, because youre upset"

"Im upset with good reason" she whispered.

I pulled back and stepped away from her, Victoria stepped behind me and held me, I smiled up at her and looked at my aunt. "No, you just assumed..and then those..people almost hurt them, almost hurt me"

"These two are more dangerous than-"

"I dont care, they made a lot of mistakes, they told me some of it, I dont think it was okay, but I'm not holding that against them, I love them"

"You've only just met them! Youre judgement cant be trusted" my aunt said.

"I dont care what you think, I love them, they love me"

"We love our love" Catherine said kissing me gently, I smiled.

"So very much" Victoria said.

I smiled, kissing their cheeks, I then looked at my aunt, "I'm not going back, I'm staying with them"

"You cant be dragged around!" she said.

"I'm happy, here with them, they make me so happy"

My aunt sat down, her head in her hands, "Theyre not good for you, mate or not, I cant allow you to go running around with two...murderers"

Catherine looked out the window, I kissed her cheek, she nuzzled my neck, "We'll leave you two...call if you need us" Victoria said, I nodded, I kissed their cheeks and sat across from my aunt.Victoria and Catherine left.

I looked at my aunt. "They have protected me, they care about me, they love me and they would never hurt me"

My aunt barked out a laugh, "Theyre monsters who feed and kill people to survive"

"And the wolves?they kill or injure people, the witches magic comes at a cost of having to kill something!"

"Not all our magic-"

" Youre all murders, whether you like it or not, and you just want to pin it all on them, to make yourselves feel better"

She sat back, "When did you let them out?"

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