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I was locked in the basement, thankfully they set up my bed, they had brought down the fridge too, I managed to get the fridge running, I got them to take me to a little store and I got a little gas stove, and some food. And thankfully the basement had a little bathroom with shower.

They set my bags of clothes down, Catherine went to check something. Victoria kissed me slowly, I moaned. She pressed me into the wall, she unzipped my jeans and pulled me down. She slipped her hand into my undies.

She rubbed my clit slowly,I moaned and moved closer.She pulled back,I whined and kissed her again.

She smiled,"I'll be back before you know it"she whispered.

She rubbed harder, she kissed down my neck and bit into me.She moaned and shivered.

I gasped and rocked against her hand,she rubbed a bit harder.I gasped and came,she moaned.She pulled away.

She licked my neck clean and pricked her finger and healed my neck.She licked her lips and smiled.

I giggled,she smiled and held my face.Catherine came back and smiled,She hugged me close,Victoria kissed me slowly and smiled,"I love you,and I will see you soon"she whispered.

"I love you more,be safe"i whispered.

She nodded and left,Catherine smiled,"Can...may I do something?"she whispered.

I nodded,she smiled,"When I get back"she whispered.

I nodded,she chuckled and nodded, She kissed me slowly,she pulled back.

"We will be safe..breathe"

I nodded, she kissed me softly and then left. I heard the door close and then be locked. Something heavy was pushed against it. I walked up the stairs and tried pushing the door, I couldn't even get it to budge, it was like pushing against a wall.

I walked downstairs and sat on my bed and read.

Hopefully they dont take too long.

The next few days it was quiet. I didn't do much but worry, read and try and get my mind off of everything.

I got bored over the next week, I re-read books, until eventually I couldn't stay in here anymore. So I tried moving the door, which didn't help. I tried to find another way out of here, and there was only a tiny little window.

I could try it...but..no, Id have to dislocate many things to even it through there, and that's not happening. I dragged a chair to the window and wipped it clear and then looked out at it. I was met with my aunts face. I screamed and fell back.

She started saying something and then the wall, warped and she stepped through and landed gently, on the ground. She looked at me and helped me up. I dusted myself off and looked at her, she looked at the room, "Why are you in here?"

"They..just went to do something quick"

She nodded, "If they needed to do something 'quick', why did they take both couches and giant rocks and put those against the door?"

I smiled, "They want to make sure Im safe"

"They want to keep you prisoner"

I sighed and looked away, "That's not what they're doing"

I walked to my bed and sat down, she dusted the chair, I used and sat down. I looked at her and sighed, "How'd you find me?"

"Blood magic..well..a form of it"

I shivered and nodded, "I..I thought we all agreed-"

"You're my niece, you're basically my daughter. Sweetie pie I love you, I dont want you to get hurt. I know that things got out of hand, pretty quickly the other night. I never meant for it to get that..bad, it should never have gotten as...heated as it did"

I nodded, "Yeah"

She looked down at her hands, "Sweetie pie-"

"No, youre not going to take them away from me. Im tired of the same fucking conversation"

She sat back and moved her hair from her eyes. She looked at me, she nodded and looked down. I watched her.

"The wolves and witches aren't happy, and no..they dont know Im here. Sweetie pie..they want to...have full out war against your mates"

I frowned and stood up, "They...they cant be serious"

"They really are, the wolves do not wish to be slaves, they want revenge for their two fallen family members and the witches..we do not wish to be slaves either. I refuse to be a slave to your mates"

"They're not like that anymore, they wont do that"

She watched me, "How do you know that?"

"They have told me numerous times, that they dont want to go back to that"

She leant forward, her elbows on her knees, "My sweetie pie, they will do anything in their power to keep you safe and out of harms way. If that means, enslaving the witches and wolves again, they wouldn't see an issue with that"

"I want to keep them safe, they want to keep me safe, now just...They know that by doing going back to how things were..they know, I wouldn't be happy"

She looked tired, like she hasn't slept in a long time, "Sweetie pie.. just come home..we can get them to meet you there, we'll trap them, and things can go back to normal"

"No, Im not letting you take them away"

She rubbed her face again, "Sweetie pie, I am begging you to just..do this for me"

"You're going to lock my mates away, and then I dont get to be happy..they're changing for me, I dont need to continuously justify myself to you. Or to the witches and wolves"

She started pacing, "Sweetie pie, the wolves and witches,will kill you if they have too...they will, do very bad things to you to get your mates to comply"

"No, they aren't going to take them away from me"

She stood up, "I wont tell them where you are, but think about this please"

I looked away, she walked to me and hugged me close, I hugged her, she stepped back, walked to the wall. Whispered something..and stepped through it.

I sat down hard.


"No..please no"

I looked at the window, I couldn't see much. I laid down and fell asleep.

The next few days I continuously looked out the windows to make sure no one showed up.

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