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They took this very seriously, they made sure we packed up most of our stuff and locked up. We moved into a empty apartment, near Victoria's one restaurant . It was nice, but dusty. We locked up, I sat down on the couch.

"We should be safe here for a bit"

I nodded and then looked at them, they watched me. "Youre sure?"I asked.

They nodded, "Im sure" Catherine said, I smiled and nodded.

"You're sure you want us to do this?"

I nodded, "Yes"

They nodded and then sat down by me, "We are going to..bite you, drain you, feed you our blood, then..we'll guide you, dont worry"

I nodded nervously, Victoria smiled, "Your heart is going mad"

I smiled, "Im nervous"

They leant their heads onto my chest, I held them close.

They looked at me and smiled,"We'll miss it"


"It's okay"Catherine whispered.

I looked at them,"Why don't we snuggle first?"

They nodded,I found the one bedroom and cuddled up to the pillows,they laid down on either side of me,their heads in my chest.

I smiled and played with their hair.

They snuggled close, I smiled and kissed their foreheads, Catherine nuzzled closer. I smiled at her, Victoria made a pleased sound, "Are you ready?"

I thought she was speaking to me, but she was speaking to Catherine, who nodded. They snuggled close and then looked up at me. I smiled, they sat up, "Ready?"

I nodded, "Can I close my eyes?"

They nodded, "Of coarse you can"

Catherine kissed me gently, I smiled and kissed Victoria softly, they cut their wrists, they poured blood in a cup,Catherine handed it to me,I drank,and then downed,it.They smiled and laid me down gently. "Ill be biting your neck" Victoria whispered.

"Ill be biting your wrist" Catherine whispered.

I nodded, they kissed my cheeks and then Catherine bit into my wrist, Victoria moved my neck slightly and bit. They drank,...and drank..it was a nice feeling being bitten by them, but..the light headedness, and my heart pounding in my ears isn't so great.

But...my heart slowly slowed down, and everything went black.

Then..there were voices..

'My love..calm'

'It's alright,my love'

"Im scared!" I said.

'We know, but everything will be fine, be calm'

'This will all be over soon'

I didn't know where I was..it was dark,I was scared. Suddenly I felt like, I was being dragged back through this blinding light. And then it felt like I was fighting to get through this, plastic wrap like barrier...once that gave way, I was falling.

I gasped and sat up,they smiled,"Hi"

Catherine nuzzled me and smiled,Victoria smiled at me and cuddled me.

They watched me,"It's okay,calm down"

Everything was too loud,I winced and covered my ears.Victoria moved my hands away and then covered my ears,I looked at them,they smiled.

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