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We ended up staying at the cottage for a month and a half more, Catherine really liked it. Victoria loved that we were surrounded by nature, and I loved the peace and quiet. I had gotten a job in the little town near us.

Working in a bakery, it helped with the home sickness, I was mainly working in the front of the store. Catherine and Victoria would make sure I got to work safe, they'd stop by so we could all each lunch together, and then they'd be there when I knocked off.

Life was going great, Catherine actually bought over the bank in town, so that helped with the much needed renovations on the cottage. Victoria bought over two restaurant's, so with that we also piled our money together and bought better appliances.

When we got home that night, I made dinner, they started eating dinner, breakfast and lunch with me. Its very sweet, Victoria went to shower quick, Catherine went after her. I put the lasagne in the oven and then I went to shower and change.

I walked back downstairs and started a load of laundry, I saw Catherine busy with the dishes, I smiled and kissed her cheek on my way past. Victoria was busy with the washing machine, I smiled and kissed her cheek. I helped her with it, I put the laundry in. Added washing powder and softener and then it started.

"Its a work in progress"she chuckled.

I smiled and nodded, "You'll get it baby"

She smiled, we walked to the kitchen, Catherine smiled at me.

Victoria walked to the windows and smiled, "Those roses you planted are growing"she said to Catherine. Who smiled, "I check them almost everyday"

I smiled and sat in the living room, they started speaking to each other about something. I poured myself some juice, Catherine appeared suddenly. I looked up at her, I kissed her cheek. She smiled and nuzzled, my neck.

I smiled and giggled.

Victoria watched the trees, "My love?"

I looked at her, we walked to her. I sat on Victoria's lap, Catherine sat next to us, she held my arm. I smiled. Victoria kissed me softly.

I smiled, "Everything okay?"

They nodded, "Yes, we're fine.. hows work been?" Catherine asked.

I smiled, "Its been busy! but I'm enjoying it, hows work for you guys?"

Catherine smiled, "Extremely busy, but I like the challenge"

I smiled, Victoria smiled at me, "Im enjoying it"

I smiled at her and kissed her nose, she smiled at me.

I finished my juice and went to check the washing, I took it out and hung it up outside, I smelt something..I frowned, it smelt disgusting. I finished up with hanging everything up, then I walked into the woods, I saw piles and piles of bodies.

I covered my nose, I puked and ran back to the house. Catherine and Victoria stared at me. "You..Weren't supposed to see that"

"What..what happened?"

They led me inside and locked up the house, they sat me down and looked at me. "When we hunt...we feed and then bring them here..to...help with suspicion"

"You...that's..alot of people"

They nodded, "We feed a lot..it helps when we're at work"

I was numb, I felt sick, I ran upstairs and threw up, I shivered and then showered. I brushed my teeth and sat in the room.

I pulled clothes on and laid down, I stared at the ceiling.

There was a knock at the door, and then they walked in, "We are so sorry my love"

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