Chapter 3: Uh

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After new recruits joined our forces, we might have a chance at winning this war. If the speakermen do end up having a titan, I can say that the toilets won't stand a chance. However, I'm not quite sure on how exactly we're going to defeat the G-Man Toilet, but I'm sure we'll figure it out. Somehow. Suddenly, I heard a large boom interrupting my thoughts. A large Skibidi toilet that looks like a robber came crashing through our army. As it was singing that annoying song, I heard another boom except it wasn't another Skibidi toilet. 

"Help me make the most of freedom and of pleasure. Nothing ever last forever, everybody wants to rule the world." Well, what do you know. The SpeakerMan Titan came in to the rescue and sat on the Skibidi toilet's body after it was flushed. "Now that's what I'm talking about! Let's fucking go!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Not gonna lie, the Titan looks fucking awesome. I don't know what we'd do without him. I noticed that some of speakermen were doing the Orange Justice behind me, I'm not a huge fan of Fortnite dancing, but I decided to join in anyways. Talk about hopping onto the bandwagon, am I right? 

We all went back to the laboratory where the Cameraman Titan was being repaired. "Man oh man! What a day, am I right? I was half expecting that with the dramatic entrance and the explosions. Got me thinking that we could win and defeat the Skibidi toilets after all." I boomed with excitement. "That is the main point of having a titan. Surprise the enemy with the big guns and there you have your victory." A speakerman explained to me. I couldn't agree more. If you have your opponent distracted, then there's no way they would've seen the surprise attack coming. "That's an interesting yet helpful tactic, uh... What's your name?" I asked. "...Speakerman?" The speakerman replied. "I'm asking for your name, not what you are." I said. "Look, we don't have a specific name. Once we're created, we go straight into war and that's that." He replied. I stopped to think about it, he does have a point. I mean, they all look alike and it is kind of hard to tell them apart. "Hmm... I might have a solution here." I said. "A solution for what?" The speakerman asked. I then made his tie and suit a different color. The speakerman was a bit startled once he realized that his outfit was a shade of purple instead of black.

"Instead of just calling you 'the speakerman', I'll name you... Bill?" I tried to think of a decent name for him. "Seriously? Bill?" The speakerman didn't seem too happy with the name. I crossed my arms and scoffed. "Do you have a better name than that, Billy?" I asked in a sassy tone. "Anything but Billy. If naming is what we're gonna do, then I suggest-" Before he could finish that sentence, a loud noise was heard as it echoed through the laboratory. Everyone stopped what they were doing to see the entrance door opening up. An army of Skibidi toilets came rushing through the lab in tempts to raid it only to stop in their tracks. They all turned around and started running away once they saw the Cameraman Titan was just sitting there. As the door started closing, the Titan used his plasma blast to get rid of the Skibidi toilets. A large boom was heard when the door finished closing. After that petty attempt to raid this laboratory, everyone just went back to doing whatever it is they're doing like nothing ever happened. 

I turned back to Bill to continue our conversation. "Well, that was something. What was it you were trying to say, Bill?" I asked. "Still no on the "Bill" part. I will not be associated with someone named Billy." He said. "Well, what is it that you wanna be named?" I asked with curiosity. Apparently, he had something else in mind. "As I was saying, if I was gonna give myself a name, then I suggest you call me... Darrius." Darrius said. I thought about it and I think it has a kick to it. "Darrius... Okay, I can dig it. Better than Billy." I chuckled. He also chuckled at my statement. "Hehe. Yeah." Looks like we reached past the acquaintance stage, we're close to entering the friendship zone. "Hey, I hope you don't feel too bad about the color. To be honest, you're really rocking the Royal Purple." I complimented Darrius with honesty. "Yeah? Not gonna lie, I think I look pretty hot in this." He responded with pride. "Hell yeah, you do." I hyped him up. (Don't take this out of fucking context!) 

~The next day~

We were back in the battlefield while trying to fend off the pesky Skibidi toilets. Everything seems to be going as planned until something unusual happened. We saw a few cameramen and speakermen attack their own allies. "What the hell? Why are they tackling their own members?!" I was extremely confused. It's like they got possessed or so confused, they started fighting their species. Suddenly, I was tackled by a large cameraman. But it wasn't any other cameraman, it was the first guy I met when the invasion started. I'd recognized that scuffed tuxedo anywhere. Using all my might, I kicked him off me. "Hey! What're you doing?! Don't you remember me?!" I tried to reason with him, but the large cameraman doesn't look like he's in the mood to talk things out. I would absolutely destroy him, but at the same time I don't want to hurt him because he's the one who took me in. He was the most welcoming to me. That made me feel a little bit special and I'm not about to lose it. Besides, I don't think it's likely that the cameraman would attack me out of nowhere. I can see the electricity going haywire around his neck, so I looked for the source.

I quickly ran behind him and jumped on the large cameraman's back. My amazingly strong grip remained as the cameraman struggled to get me off. I grabbed whatever creature that was attached to him and managed to get it off. As soon I yanked it off, he was back to normal. I looked down at the weird creature as it struggled in my grasp, it looks to me that it was some sort of parasite. "Disgusting creature..." I grumbled. Me and the large cameraman rushed back to the lab to get a closer look at this creature. By the time we got there, it was destroyed and reduced to dust. When did that happen? "Liana! Over here!" I heard a familiar voice call out to me. We both rushed towards Darrius. "What is going on? I saw- WHAT THE HELL IS THAT ABOMINATION?!?" He screeched as he pointed towards the parasite I was holding. "I'll explain later, we need to get to some hideout." I replied back. The large cameraman spoke in whirring and beeping. I still don't understand what he was saying, but Darrius seems to understand. "What do you mean you got captured by a new enemy?" Darrius asked. The cameraman replied with a beeping sound. "So, you're saying that there's like a mad scientist as a Skibidi toilet?" I was confused. What's all this fuss about a "mad scientist"?   

Then, another cameraman came rushing towards us. He gestured something while speaking in his cameraman language. "This guy said there's a new hideout waiting for us. Let's go before we get attacked!" Darrius clarified for me. I nodded and ran off while the Skibidi parasite was still in my hands. I let the cameraman lead the way because I don't know where I'm going, to be honest. When we got there, it looked like some sort of small storage unit or something. It was rusty and full of dust, but I could tell it was being used by the way it was set up. There were computers and a lot of technical stuff. 

"So, are you going to explain to me what that thing is?" Darrius asked. I held up the creature to take a closer look at it. It still hasn't given up on trying to escape my grasp. This thing has a lot of energy because it should've been tired by now. "I don't know exactly what it is, but I do know it could infect cameramen and speakermen. Like some sort of virus. Right now, we should call it.. A Skibidi Virus or Skibidi Parasite." I announced as I held it high for everyone to see. "I think I like the name Skibidi Parasite because it definitely looks like one." Darrius responded with disgust. "I say we kill it!" A large speakerman demanded. "Woah, woah, woah. I still want to study it before we can crush it. Alright?" I reassured. The Skibidi Parasite screeched in frustration as it continued to struggle until it finally gave up. About time you've gotten worn out, you creepy weirdo. I thought to myself. 

The large cameraman walked up to me and started making a whirring sound. I just blinked at him, letting him know that I still can't speak their language. "He wants to know how you knew it would work when you pulled it out." Darrius explained. "Well, I just had a hunch. And now I know it can work with all of the other infected electronics. However, I wonder if there is a quicker way of curing them because there's no way they'll just hold still when you're trying to take the parasite off." I said. It took a while for Darrius to think about it and then he finally sparked an idea. "I think there's a solution to that..." He said. 

I just hope the solution works and fast. I don't want this city to fall into ruin because we failed to protect it... 

-To be continued-

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