Chapter 18: The True Ending

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~Plungerman's POV~

It took a while, but we made into a strange room that looked like a small test lab. "Dude, look. It's a bunch of weird shit in here." The lucky cameraman said to me as he tosses a book onto a table. It had a logo with the head of a.. tv man?

However, I just shook it off and was about to look around when all of a sudden, a mechanical arm picked up the lucky cameraman with the device and forcefully smashed him onto the ground. I turned around to see a skibidi with a rusty ass toilet and a tv screen in front of him. 

The red screen of death turned on and I couldn't control my body anymore. Luckily, Jaden was there to prevent me from ripping my own head off and he threw me to the ground. As soon as I got up, the cameraman in front of me was dead, me and Jaden were the only ones left. "Great, it's just the two of us now." I grumbled. (🎵Just the two of us. We can make it if we try, just the two of us.🎵 Aight, my bad.)

"At least we're alive, right? That's all that counts right now." Jaden replied to my complaint. "I guess that's true. With our strengths combine, we can make it to the very end at least." I beeped with confidence. With that being said, we both took some useful items out of the room and rushed down the hallway.

When we made it to an open door, I heard what sounds like a man with a Russian accent speaking in a somewhat whisper. I tried to listen, but the skibidi guard rolling past us made it very hard to hear what was said. Wait a minute, the guard didn't see me? I was standing right in front of him!

I looked down at my hands to see that I was surprisingly invisible. When did that happen? Jaden was also invisible, but he didn't seem to question it. At a glimpse, I thought I saw a ghost of a cameraman with a green coat. "Who the hell is that?" I whispered to myself, but the figure was gone before I could get a good look at him.

"Come on, man. The scientist is right in here." Jaden rushed me. "I guess I can't be trusted. Goodbye." That's all I heard from the mysterious voice until we reached the room. Skibidi Scientist turned around and grinned at us expectantly. It seems like he was waiting a long time for us.

"We meet again at last. It looks like your little infiltration squad didn't make it out alive, how unfortunate for you." The Skibidi Scientist spoke in a menacing tone. I was a bit surprised the second he started speaking English. However, I shook it off and focused on what he was saying to us.

Before the scientist could speak another word, the guard that slid past us alarmed me and tried to shoot me. Unfortunately for the guard, I was faster than he is and closed the door behind me with the hacking device. Skibidi Scientist looked at me with a raised eyebrow, but shook it off a second later.

"O.kay... Anyways, let's see how long you can survive these babies." He then activated a laser cannon, but I quickly disabled it. He activated another cannon, but I also disabled. They both were practically useless against this hacking device. I saw Skibidi Scientist attempt to make a quick escape via through the door, so I closed it tightly.

"Where do you think you're going, mister?" I whirred in annoyance. The scientist looked a bit surprised that his escape plan was foiled. Although, he had another trick up his sleeve and used the panel that was implanted on his toilet bowl to teleport his old ass out the room. Skibidi Scientist saluted to me with his claw as he was slowly being engulfed in black smoke.

It was taking an awful a lot of time to disappear, so I took it to my advantage to disable that move. And now, he can't escape. The only thing left to do was to stay and battle. "Fight us like a man, you spineless old shit eater!" I whirred loudly at him. Skibidi Scientist seemed very displeased, but I was even more pissed at him for what he put everyone through.

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