Chapter 7: Balls of Steel

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I slowly opened up my eyes and groaned in pain. I don't know how long I was unconscious for. I stood up wobbly, my legs burn like hell but this is no time to cry about it. Where am I now? I thought to myself. I looked around to see everything was in ruins. Every building is either on fire or dismantled. Damnit! I cursed in my mind. Then, I heard beeping sounds and snapped my head to the source of the noise.

It was another cameraman in a black trench coat. However, this one was different from the rest. He had two plungers wielded on his back. "Are you alright?" He asked. "Probably not. Everything in my body hurts, but my head hurts the most. I-" Suddenly, I stopped mid-sentence. I was so busy being in pain, I didn't realize the cameraman can speak English. "Wait, you talked!" I said.

"Well, no shit Sherlock. Of course, I can speak." He retorted in a sassy tone. I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "Well, it's not that obvious. All the cameramen I've met can't speak my language. If I knew you could talk, I wouldn't be so shocked." I ranted.

The cameraman stopped to think about it. "Hmm. Touché, bitch." He replied. Is he used to talking to people like that? I thought to myself. In the middle of our conversation, a bunch of Skibidi toilets came rushing towards us. "If you're done rambling, I got stuff to be doing." The cameraman grabbed both plungers from his back and walked towards his enemies without hesitation.

I don't think I like this guy. But there's no time for arguments. Not at times like this. I turned around to see two Skibidi toilets rushing towards me. I kicked the shit out of them and both exploded on death. Then, an infected large cameraman came running around the corner. 

I don't have an Anti-Skibidi 3000, but I know how to get it off. I jumped on his back and yanked the disgusting parasite out. The large cameraman didn't hesitate to destroy the toilets behind him. I turned around to see that the double plunger cameraman already finished off six toilets in a span of seconds. "Oh wow, that was quick." I complimented. "I'm a ninja. Of course, I'm quick." Double Plunger Ninja replied. "You fight fast, but I fight faster." Was that a challenge?

"Careful, buddy. I may not be the fastest, but I'll leave you in pieces once I'm through with you." I snapped back. "Oooh, I'm so scared." He said in a mocking voice. The large cameraman stepped in between us to end the unnecessary conflict. "Woah, woah, woah. Calm down, both of you. This is not the time to be bickering. Can't you see we're literally being ambushed right now?" The large cameraman was not happy with us. "You can also speak!? Okay, it's safe to say that I have officially lost my mind!" I screamed out loud. "Are you really that clueless?" The Plunger-Man retorted. 

"Ugh! You're just so frustrating! I'll deal with you later." I said angrily. I was about to walk off until a Skibidi toilet with the body of a circular saw came and flew towards us. I fell backwards due to how startled I was and tried to run at the same time. I covered my face to avoid getting debris in my eyes. After it was gone, I got up and looked around.

The large cameraman was on the ground cut in half. He looked up at me and did a thumbs down. I looked to the right to see the Plunger Ninja unscathed. He wasn't lying when he said he was fast. "I see now that this is not a good place to hash out all our problems. Let's get out of here and get to safety. Now!" I said to the Plunger-Man as I picked up the dismantled cameraman in bridal style. 

"J..Just leave me.. I'll just slow you d-down." The large cameraman groaned in pain. I gripped onto him a bit tighter. "No. No man left behind. As long as you're alive, I'll keep you alive." I replied. Suddenly, a Skibidi toilet with mechanical limbs came out of nowhere. I can't fight with a person in my hands. Just then, someone threw a sharp pebble at the Skibidi toilet, breaking its glasses. 

We all looked to see three TVmen walking up to us. Actually, the one in the middle was a TV WOMAN. Without warning, she emitted a bright orange beam setting the toilet on fire. I was amazed, I guess some TVmen have more abilities than just hypnosis. "Thank you very much, madam." I said. "You're welcome." She replied. Suddenly, the same Skibidi toilet with a circular saw came by again with a murderous smile.

Without hesitation, TVwoman's head detached itself and clung onto the back of the Skibidi saw's head. She found a way to hijack it and ram it into its own allies. After that, TVwoman's head reattached itself back to where it belongs. I was about to say something, but even more Skibidi toilets were coming from behind. "We have to leave." One TVman said. 

TVwoman grabbed onto me and teleported us to some unfamiliar place. Then, she teleported out of our sights, but I wasn't too worried about it. Me and large cameraman looked around confusedly trying to process where we are. "What is this place? It looks like some laboratory." I said. In the distance, there was a logo that I have dearly recognized. It was the same logo at the old laboratory we once had. Is the Cameraman titan here as well?

"You need some help there, ma'am?" An engineer cameraman came up to me to ask. I looked down at the large cameraman in my arms, he can't walk by himself because he's been cut in half. I looked back at the engineer and nodded. "Yes please. This guy needs help, not me." I responded. I carried the injured cameraman to a certain spot so he can be repaired. Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice.

"Liana? You're alive!?" I whipped around to see Darius and the first large cameraman (I need a nickname for him). "Darius!" I yelled out as I hugged him tightly. "And you're here, too!" I said excitedly as I hugged him as well. "Hey, I don't think I have ever gave you a nickname yet. That's surprising because you were the first guy I've met." I said as I let him go. "Hmm, I should nickname you... Dasher?" Now I'm just pulling random names out of my ass. 

"What?" Darrius started questioning me. "Why do you insist on naming everyone, Liana? I don't get it all." He was skeptical of the name I gave. "Well, if you don't recall, Darrius, you all look the same. It's not only hella confusing, it's also headache inducing to call certain people something like Cameraman_#347 or Speakerman_#850." I explained. Dasher then let out beeping sounds, which translates to: "That's a little specific."

"Oh, and I almost forgot that I can understand what cameramen are saying now." I said. Darrius seemed surprised, he doesn't need facial expressions to show it. "What? How? When did that happen?" Darrius asked. I shrugged, I am asking myself the same question. "I don't know, it just happened. Maybe I hit my head too hard when I fell unconscious." I continued on. Then, I realized how stupid my explanation sounded. I hit myself in the head for coming up with a shitty explanation because I made him even more confused. 

You can't just understand a language overnight. "Huh?" Darrius asked. "You know what, just forget it. I don't have an answer for everything." I flapped my hands about and shook my head. My brain cells are all dead and my brain is just turning into mush at this point. "I think I'm just tired and need to go to sleep after this. I mean, when's the last time I had a good night's sleep?" I don't know how long this war has been going on. It hurts to think about it. 

"Alright. Goodnight, Lili." Darrius said. Lili... It's been forever since someone called me that. I thought to myself. And now I'm feeling sick to my stomach, I think I might be homesick. As I head to the bunker, I felt even more sick to my stomach. I had this feeling before, but this time it has worsened. I guess being away from home for too long gets me extremely nervous. God, being at war gets me really dreadful. 

~A few hours later~

I woke up to hear the alarm going off. What the fuck is going on?! I mentally panicked. I got up from my bunker and rushed outside the entrance. All hell was loose from the looks from it. There were flames everywhere, armored Skibidi toilets were destroying everything in their paths. Through the smoke, I saw the Double-Plunger Man heading towards danger. "What the hell is he doing?" I whispered to myself. "Does he think he's the main character or something? That man is about to get himself killed." I said it a bit louder. "What do you expect from a character such as him? Of course, he's crazy." A random cameraman said. (Remember, they still speak through beeping and whirring. Their dialogue is just translated.) 

Through all the madness, guess who I saw. If your guess was the Cameraman titan, then you're correct. After so many months of absence, he finally returned and he was upgraded. Bro got rid of all the Skibidi toilets in just one minute. That's how badass the titan is! 

Then, Cameraman titan looked down at us and gave a thumbs up. Without hesitation, I gave a thumbs up back and so has everyone else. Good thing is, I feel slightly better about the homesick feeling. 

It still wasn't enough, though. I worry for everybody's safety. My family. My friends. Everyone I loved... No. I must not lose hope. I must remain strong if I want to continue living in peace with them. I just hope to God they're alright...

~To be continued~

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