Chapter 8: I'm Dead

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I lied in my bed sleeping peacefully. Suddenly, I heard an alarming buzzing sound. I bumped my head on the ceiling, I forgot I was sleeping on the top bunker bed. "Alright, sleepyheads! Sleeping is over!" I heard someone call out. I groaned in frustration because I only got three hours of sleep. I slowly climbed down and walked to the bathroom.

I'm surprised they had bathrooms considering everyone here are robots. I guess when you got to go, you got to go. After splashing my face with water, I put on my shoes, chugged down a whole cup of coffee and walked out of the entrance. I looked to the right to see cannons and tanks parked outside.

"Where exactly are we going?" I asked one of the cameramen. "We are going to another wasteland to save the SpeakerMan titan." Cameraman_#467 explained as he held up a tracking device so I could see. I'm still tired, so I couldn't really make out what I was seeing. I just nodded like I understood what was said to me even though I know damn well I don't.

Suddenly, I heard a voice call out. "Hey! Wait for me!" I whipped around to see Darrius and Dasher trying to catch up to me. When they finally caught up to me, Darrius tried to catch his breath. "Sorry we were late, I might've overslept." Darrius said between breathes. "I'm actually glad you're here with me, Darrius and Dasher. I have a bad feeling about this." I didn't try to hide my nervous expression. We are not only walking into war, but we are following into a death trap where a literal giant can crush us all like ants.

"I'm scared, too, Liana. If I were to die, I at least want to see you for the last time." Darrius replied. My heart dropped to my stomach when he said that. I don't like the idea of losing my friends. Whenever I get really attached to someone, I have this distinctive fear of when they are critically injured or on the brink of death. However, Darrius is not hurt and Dasher has a new mech suit that substitutes as his new legs. I don't know what it does yet.

"What are y'all standing around for? Move your asses!" I heard someone call out. I turned around to see Double Plunger-Man standing there with his arms crossed. He didn't seem happy about our idling. "This isn't the time to be gossiping. This ain't high school!" He scolded us. "Alright, alright. We'll move." I replied. I wasn't in the mood to argue. But why would I fight him at this time? We're going into battle.

I transformed into a dire wolf and motioned my friends to get on. Darrius excitedly climbed on, but Dasher refused because he's fused in a mech suit. I marched along with the other cameramen. I could feel Darrius bouncing up and down on my back as I continue walking with my comrades. I can tell this is his first time riding a large animal. I thought to myself and smiled warmly.

Just then, the Cameraman titan came by to get the skibidi toilets out of our path. Even the plunger ninja joined in. After defeating the skibidi toilets, the titan gestured to us to keep moving. I don't know how long we're going to be marching, but we'll get there when we get there. I wonder if that tv lady is joining us. I thought to myself. All of the sudden, a skibidi toilet came out of nowhere, it looks like a UFO. "What the hell is that?" I pointed towards the flying skibidi toilet with my paw. 

The Cameraman titan tried to get rid of the skibidi toilet, but it was much too fast. Then, it flew away with hyper speed. After that, everyone continued marching like nothing happened. "That must've been another skibidi variant." Darrius explained. "Yeah, maybe..." I spoke in a baritone voice. (To clarify, my voice is much more deeper whenever I transform into a dire wolf. Wait, did I already point that out?) 

~A few hours later~

We are now in a wasteland where most of the city is in ruins. "Everybody, spread out. The SpeakerMan titan must be here somewhere." The Cameraman titan said. His beeping sounds echoed through the battlefield due to how large he is. I still can't believe I can now speak to cameramen. I noticed most cameramen went their own path while some stayed with the tanks. 

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