Chapter 4: Doomed

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As I was viewing the partially damaged city, I can't help but wonder how this war even started in the first place. I mean, these Skibidi toilets have got to originate from somewhere. Did a person go to the restroom one day and just got sucked into a toilet or something? And then, he probably woke up and chose violence. I may never know. Then, I heard electronic whirring from below. I looked down to see a cameraman scientist trying to capture my attention. "Is it done yet?" I asked, and he nodded. I jumped off the roof to inspect the new invention that was just made. 

As I walked beside the scientist, there were three guys caged up while they were infected. "This is what we like to call the 'Anti-Skibidi 3000'." Darrius explained theatrically. Another cameraman scientist held it up and shot it at the three infected men. Apparently, it is designed to kill off the Skibidi Parasites without hurting their comrades. It really worked because they were all back to normal. We all celebrated success of the gun, we finally figured out how to get back the SpeakerMan Titan! "Darrius. You. Are. A. GENIUS!!" I excitedly shook him. "Oh, well, it wasn't me that made the ray gun. You should be thanking the scientists." Darrius was a little flustered at my compliment. "But it was you that came up with the idea. So, give yourself some credit." I gave him a gentle arm punch. Suddenly, the whole building shook. We all looked up to see our worst fears.

The infected SpeakerMan Titan and the G-Man Toilet looked down upon us menacingly. I've never seen anything more terrifying than two powerful entities that could wipe out over a thousand people with just two blasts. The cameraman scientist tried to save the titan by blasting his core. Unfortunately, it wasn't strong enough to get rid of that wicked parasite off his neck. To make matters worse, the SpeakerMan Titan let out a loud roar (well, it sounded more like a metallic screech) and was three seconds away from blasting our asses off. At the last second, the scientist threw the Anti-Skibidi gun over to me and got killed. I was lucky enough to escape. 

I felt bad for the ones who were still caged up, though. "Holy shit! That was too close. You alright?" Darrius asked while panting. "I think I might've slightly pissed my pants." I replied bluntly. He just looked at me without saying anything. "Don't- don't look at me like that. You might as well have done the same thing. You probably just don't want to admit it." I looked away in embarrassment. I looked up to see the SpeakerMan Titan and the G-Man Toilet still destroying the warehouse. Judging by the look on the G-Man's face, he looked happy frying the damn place with that unhinged smile. This guy is the main focus on defeating. But how are we going to defeat him without getting ourselves killed? G-Man can't be flushed, there's got to be another way! Do we just stab him in the head or something? We've got to figure out a solution or there's no way we can win. 

Oh, who am I kidding? There's no hope! Our team is obviously losing because we already lost two titans. Humanity is doomed, man! Doomed!    

The next two days weren't any better. One cameraman is on the ground kicking a Skibidi toilet with all his might while another cameraman is holding onto dear life but several Skibidi toilets tore off his head. Another Skibidi toilet charged at me while screaming "Skibidi! Skibidi! Skibidi!" It knocked me over as it got close to me. But then, he looked up with fear on his face. Wait, why did he stop? What is he looking at? I turned around to see a man with a TV for a head as he walked into the scene. I was mesmerized. Who is he? Suddenly, the TVman emitted a purple light. I turned around to look at the Skibidi toilet and he was just sitting there with his mouth agape. 

I turned to look at the other cameraman who was still alive. He doesn't seem to know what was happening either. He got up and gracefully flushed the three toilets. I did so as well. I looked back at the TV man and he gave me a smiley face instead of a thumbs up. "Who are you?" I finally asked. "I am a TVman." He replied. His voice was speaking backwards English yet I somehow understood him. "Woah.. You know, I'm glad you showed up. It's about time we had new allies." I said. The Tvman chuckled at my statement. "You're damn right, Liana." He responded. I paused for a second. How did he know my name? "Huh? How do you-" "Know your name? (Chuckles) I have my ways." He said with a light-hearted chuckle.   

"It doesn't take long to know that you and your team aren't doing too well from afar. Just thought I drop by." The Tvman said with a wink. Good thing he's an ally. Or is he? I thought to myself. I realized the Tvman was walking away, I tried to catch up to him. "Hey, wait! Where ya going?" By the time I did, he disappeared in a black mist. "I have so many... questions..." He wasn't there anymore. Great, just great. I wanted to know if he's an ally or a foe. Guess I'll just have to figure it out on my own. I mentally complained to myself.  

The cameraman walked besides me and patted my back to comfort me. "Do you think we'll ever stop the Skibidi toilets? Or will we be failures and die off just like humanity?" I sighed. The cameraman just shrugged. I sobbed in the palm of my hands in frustration. I flopped on the ground and landed on my back dramatically. "If we can't save the world, then who can? I guess we'll just be doomed since nothing on this planet could last forever!" I screamed out in the open. I didn't care who was listening. I curled up in a ball and wrapped my tail around my body. "Nothing matters anymore." I said. 

Then, the cameraman started shaking my body like crazy. "Hey, cut it out." I was a little irritated. "What? What is it?" I sat up and looked into his direction. Before my very eyes, I saw three Tvmen. The one in the middle was large and he had six additional tv screens attached to his main head. "Holy shit..." I mumbled. The Tvman that I met earlier let out a guffaw. "What? Did you really think I would leave you hanging? Oh please, I'm better than that." He crossed his arms. "How would I know? We've only known each other for like 10 minutes." I replied. The Tvman nodded at my response. "That's a good point. However, leaving someone to die on their own is not my jam, Liana." He said. I lightened up a little bit. That statement right there is exactly what I needed to hear. It sounded like loyalty. 

Since we got new allies on our team, I can't wait to see their abilities. The cameramen are good at spying and speakermen can blast loud music. What the TVmen could do remains a mystery and must be studied. What will happen next? We will wait and see...

~To be continued~

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