Intermission: Confessions

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A/N: I can't draw a large cameraman, Ok? It's too hard! 😭

I can't believe it! We're finally going to see TVman titan again. After the blinding lights disappeared, I wanted to go see what the upgraded titan looked like. I summoned my magical wings to fly up, but then I heard someone call out to me. "Liana! Are you over there? I need your help." 

I turned around to see Donovan with his hand on his arm. He looked extremely guilty probably because of all the bullshit he caused. "What do you want, shithead?" I replied sassily. "Listen, I know you don't trust me, I wouldn't trust myself either, but this is not about me. It's your friend I'm worried about." He said. "Which friend are you talking about?" I asked.

"I'm talking about Darrius. He seems a little, I dunno, depressed? I would talk to him if he didn't hate my guts. I mean, I did kill his brother and he would never listen to a guy who hurt his loved ones." Donovan clarified. I sighed in annoyance, resisting the urge to roll my eyes at him. "Fine, I'll help, but I need to do something real quick. I need a serious bath, I really can't stand the smell of my own stench!" I complained.

"You want to take a bath at a time like this?" Donovan looked a bit confused. "Uhm, yes? I went over a month without showering, it's fucking disgusting! I'm surprised you guys didn't notice." I responded. "Oh, we do notice. We just don't say anything about it." He corrected me. "What is going on over here?" TVman#001 stepped in. 

"001, do you tvmen happen to have bath tubs or showers here? I'm desperate for a good bath." I asked. "Oh, you're gonna have to go straight ahead and take a right until you see a door. It leads to a communal shower for men and women." He instructed. "Alright, thanks, bro." I thanked my tv friend for the help and made my way there.

"Can you put me down now?" Jamal asked me in an irritated tone. "I will for now, but I will come back for you so you can also take a bath." I explained while setting him down on the ground, but still gripping onto him. "You're gonna have to catch me first, fat ass!" Jamal spat at me out of spite. Then, I let him go as he sprinted away. He won't last a chance when I catch him. I thought to myself.

I chuckled as I walked off to the communal showers.

~Darrius's POV~

While everyone was happily chattering amongst themselves, I sat in the corner alone with dread on my mind. Oh, Big Dave. I miss you so much. I let out a sniffle. I can feel myself beginning to cry all over again. I curled up in a ball while hiding behind a pillar so nobody can see me like this. 

Maybe I should kill myself, so I can be with my brother once again. Oh, who am I kidding? We're robots, we don't have souls. Why would I ever think we could get into the afterlife? If the afterlife even exist, that is. It's probably just an infinite, endless, black void with nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. It's where I belong, anyways. Donovan was right, I am worthless. I'm way too weak and unimportant to be kept alive. I don't see what Liana sees in me. What Dasher sees in me, he probably doesn't even love me as much as I love him. I'll forever be this stupid, weak old dumbass who depends on others for protection!

All these suicidal thoughts rang in my head as I start to sob quietly. Why am I like this? My two friends are still alive, right? I should be thankful that they both care enough to protect me at all costs. So, why do I feel so empty? "Darrius? Are you okay?" I heard whirring. I didn't have to fully turn around to realize Dasher was behind me.  

I turned away from him while in devastation. "Yes, I'm fine. Now go away." I replied while slightly irritated. As much as I love him, I didn't want to be bothered by anyone. "Darrius. I can tell if something's wrong. You know you can talk to me about anything, right? So, what's the matter with you?" Dasher walked towards me.

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