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~Donovan's POV~

I can't believe she got away! I thought to myself as I stomped my foot in frustration. "Who the hell forgot to tighten the chain around her tail? I thought I specifically told one of you to watch the tail!" I yelled at the skibidi toilets as I looked back and forth at them. They all had nervous expressions on their faces. "So, which one of you forgot it?" I asked once again. 

"Skibidi dopity nit nit. (Translation: But you were the one who brought her in.)" One of the skibidi toilets said. I glared at it while I walked up to it slowly in anger. "Yeah, and I explicitly told you and the others to chain the wolf tightly so that she wouldn't wiggle her way out of it while I fetch the two bosses. Did you think I was kidding when I said Liana was capable of sneaking her way out of danger? Well, did you?!" I yelled as the toilet looked up at me with a fearful look.

"Skibidi nit dop dop! Skibidi dop! (Translation: Well, it's hard when you lack arms! You can't blame me!)" It argued back. He does have a point. I guess not everyone can be lucky. I thought to myself. I sighed as I decided to spare its life. "Fine, I guess I can take it a bit easier on you. Just don't fuck up again or else..." I responded. The toilet cowered in fear, I can't help but feel satisfied when someone fears me for a change. It feels real good...

"Skibidi. (Translation: Donovan.)" I turned around to see G-Man Toilet looking down at me. "Yes?" I replied. "Skibidi dom dom dom yes yes, skibidi dopity nit nit. Skibidi dom dom dom yes yes, skibidi dopity nit nit. (Translation: I have another mission for you. I want you to recapture the furry again except this time, you must use this weapon to make sure she can't go anywhere.)" He explained. A toilet with a jetpack flew towards me with a big weapon in its mouth. I looked at it with confusion. "What is that?" I asked as the toilet handed me the gun.

"Skibidi skibidi skibidi. (Translation: It's a gun with a net in it.)" The toilet answered. "Skibidi dop dop dop, skibidi bop yes yes. (Translation: All you have to do is pull the trigger and it can capture a large creature such as the furry, it even works midair.)" It explained. "Wow. Thanks" I replied. With this thing, I can make sure Liana can't run from me. "Wait, is it made of rope? You know that she's flammable." I inquired. G-Man Toilet smirked at me with a devious smile.

"Nit, skibidi skibidi skibidi. Dom dom dom yes yes yes. (Translation: No, it's made of metal. We know better than that.)" He corrected me. I was relieved, at least I don't have to worry about Liana running away again. "Skibidi dom yes yes! Skibidi dop. (Translation: Oh, and one more thing! We made new armor for you so you don't get scorched to death.)" The small toilet with a jetpack exclaimed excitedly. Another flying toilet gave me a sick looking set of armor made to withstand metal melting flames.

"Awesome! I mean, thank you very much. I needed that." I thanked them while hiding my flushed face. I quickly slipped it on and I already feel like I could walk through fire without being affected, which was exactly what the suit was made to do. I admired how it looked on me. "Skibidi skibidi skibidi skibidi. (Translation: With this armor, you can kidnap Liana whatshername without being scorched to death.)" G-Man spoke once again. 

I looked up at him and nodded. "Skibidi skibidi skibidi? (Translation: Do you understand what your task is?)" He asked. "Yes, and I will use this new armor to protect me against the one we're looking for. Don't worry, I won't Liana run away ever again." I bowed down to G-Man Toilet as he nodded expectantly. "Nit dom dom dom. (Translation: You better not or else I would get rid of you.)" G-Man towered menacingly, if I had a mouth, you'd hear me gulp.

"Yes, master." I said while remaining bowing. "Nit nit! (Translation: Now get!)" He demanded. I used my jetpack and flew off into the distance. I used my scanner to get a sense of where Liana ended up. The reason why I waited at the last second to chase after her is because I was told they've made something for me. Now that's out of the way, I can finally do my job properly. 

And this time, I will not return until I finally have Liana in my grasp. And when I do, I will not let her free until she's infected! The sooner I deal with her, the sooner I could finally find TVwoman. I bet TV woman is regretting leaving me behind!

It's only a matter of time until I can get my prize. For now, I must stay focused...

~To be continued~

A/N: This isn't really a real chapter, this is just the aftermath of when Liana teleported away. Unfortunately for us, Donovan hid when the titans and the others came by, so yeah... Stay tuned!

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