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The next morning, Yuan Qiao woke up early.

After breakfast, he deliberately went to find the butler and asked him to pick out some things from the warehouse in the Yuan Mansion.

Yuan Junke's entourage named Chen Nian prepared the carriage early in the morning.

When everything was ready, Yuan Qiao got into the carriage and followed Chen Nian to the patrol camp.

Arriving outside the Yamen of the Patrol Battalion, Chen Nian asked Yuan Jing to wait in the carriage, and handed over the post first by himself.

The people in the patrol battalion probably didn't expect that the people from Habayashi Wei would come to their door, and they rushed in to report immediately.

After a while, someone came out to meet him, followed by many spectators.

The leader is Yin Shi, Wei Nanci's personal entourage, the one who felt sorry for Wei Nanci before eating cold rice cakes.

"Hey, isn't this Deputy General Chen who is next to the former commander? Why do you have time to come to us?" Yin Shi said with a smile on his face.

"Our little son is benevolent and insists on coming to thank your camp for saving his life. Please make arrangements." Chen Nian said.

"Where's Young Master Yuan?" Yin Shi asked.

"I'm here." Yuan Qian jumped out of the carriage after hearing the words.

The few people at the gate of the camp immediately looked over when they heard the words. Yuan Qiao specially wore a blue narrow-sleeved robe today, thinking that the style would be closer to these warriors. But when he stood in front of the crowd, he realized that he was thinking too much.

Standing among a crowd of warriors with his small physique, he looked like a little lamb in a pack of wolves, but this little lamb was wearing a wolf's fur, no matter how abrupt he looked, there was a bit of cuteness in the abruptness.

"Yo." Yin Shichao Yuan bowed quietly, but that posture was not very sincere.

Yuan Qing was only thinking about meeting her savior, but she didn't see any frivolity in his attitude, so she politely returned the gift.

Yin Shi originally wanted to tease him a few words, but he was a little embarrassed to see him so obedient.

It's okay for him to hurt Habayashi Wei, but facing such a beautiful young man, he really can't speak.

"Excuse me, who saved me by the lake that day?" Yuan Qiao asked.

"Cough!" Yin Shi coughed lightly, raised his head and said, "It's me!"

Yuan Qing's eyes lit up, and he took a few serious glances at the other party.

For some reason, he always felt that the aura of the person in front of him was not quite the same as that of the person who saved him that day.

Although this man looked quite heroic, it didn't give him too much sense of oppression.

In other words, this person's aura is different from the savior he imagined.

But Yuan Qiao was also a little uncertain, after all, he had never seen the other party's appearance.

At that time, he was on the verge of life and death, and it was reasonable to have excessive associations with his savior.

"Is it really you?" Yuan Qing asked.

"Yeah." Yin Shi nodded.

Chen Nian at the side frowned, and glanced at Yuan Qiao again, but didn't say much.

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