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Interrupted by Wei Nanci, the topic of Yuan Qing's hair was finally brought to the fore.

Pei Siyuan, who raised the topic, didn't say much, and didn't even look at Yuan Qing again.

Seeing this, Yuan Jing breathed a sigh of relief.

After the meal, everyone talked for a while in the teahouse.

The atmosphere is also relaxed.

"Master, do you have any plans for tomorrow?" Wei Nanci asked before saying goodbye.

"Tomorrow, I will go to the Habayashi Guard to have a look, and then I will drink tea with His Majesty." Pei Siyuan replied.

"Will Mr. Yu enter the palace with you?"

"He won't go." Pei Siyuan looked at Wei Nanci, "Why are you asking so many questions?"

Wei Nanci chuckled, "I don't think that Sanlang is just fine, why not let him accompany Mr. Yu around the capital tomorrow." He was still thinking about asking Mr. Yu to see a doctor for Yuan Qiao, and he wanted to let the two get to know each other first, lest Yuan Qiao regret not wanting to see a doctor at that time.

How did he know that Yuan Qiao was nervous at the moment, after being mentioned by him, he wished to gag him on the spot.

When Pei Siyuan heard this, he glanced at Yuan Qing, and then turned his eyes to the faces of the people around him, with some questioning.

This Mr. Yu, named Yu Zhou, anyone with a discerning eye can tell that he has a close relationship with Pei Siyuan, because the other party always pays attention to his movements from time to time no matter what he does or says throughout the night.

Seeing this, Yu Zhou nodded, "It happens that I haven't been back to the capital for a long time, and I want to take a look around."

Seeing that Yu Zhou agreed, Yuan Qiao naturally couldn't refuse. In fact, he had a fairly good impression of Mr. Yu. If Pei Siyuan wasn't there, he wouldn't mind getting acquainted with him.

"Do you remember the last time you saw this Yuanjia Saburo?" Pei Siyuan asked Yu Zhou on the carriage back home.

"It must have been two or three years? I remember that when we were in the capital, he seemed to act a little profligately, so Jun Ke seldom took him with him during the holidays." Yu Zhou said, "But looking at it now, this kid has restrained a lot. I think he is quite sensible."

"I remember that he used to be addicted to sex and lust, and his eyes were vain, but when I saw him today, it seemed like a different person."

"I didn't pay much attention, and I haven't seen him a few times before."

A trace of hesitation flashed in Pei Siyuan's eyes, but he didn't say much, instead he asked with a smile, "Did you enjoy your meal tonight?"

"Can I say I'm not happy? You too... You've made such troubles by saying that you're going to eat in Yuanfu. Now that I'm well, people will know that I'm a trickster." Yu Zhou said.

"They also knew." Pei Siyuan said as he raised his hand to wipe the corner of his lips lightly, and said: "Don't go out with him tomorrow, it's cold, just stay in the mansion and talk. If you want to go out, I will accompany you when I come back."

Pei Siyuan is very suspicious, and he will not trust Yuan Jing easily until he dispels his doubts.

So let people stay in the mansion, with their own people watching around, the variables are less variable after all.

"I'm such an adult, can I lose it in the capital?"

"I'm afraid you're too tired from traveling all the way."

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