Chapter 7 - Kalix

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"Tonight, on Pictograph Viewport: Former treasurer of Daintree's philanthropic organization, One For All, came forward this morning with serious allegations against the company." The news ad interrupts the episode of Parallels, and without a Premium subscription, I can't skip it. Waving open the Settings tab, I largely ignore the reporter's voice as she continues. "The ex-employee, John Roberts, accuses the charity of financial fraud, falsifying records and double-billing donors in an intentional attempt to over-fund projects. Where this 'extra' money has gone is still unknown, but Roberts has expressed strong opinions on the matter. All this and more, tonight, on Pic—"

There. Muted. Take that, commercial.

To pass the time, I turn to Darien on the other armchair.

"Any theories so far?"

"A couple," he says, leaning over the armrest. "I'm thinking maybe Shadow Mask is the guy who was stalking Artemis in the flashback. Maybe he's mad that she's with Cara."

"Ooh, maybe. He definitely seemed... creepily in love with her, in the flashback episode. Oh, and Artemis is from Universe 67, where they have that celestial religion, right? It would explain—"

"Shadow Mask's heptastar amulet! I didn't even think of that!"

While considering the theory, I reach for my tea, only to discover that the mug is disappointingly empty.

"One sec, I'm just going to refill this," I tell Darien, before heading to the kitchen.

I figure I don't need a new tea bag for only one more mug, so I just refill the kettle and set the temperature. Within a few seconds, the glass is already starting to fog up, and I watch it somewhat passively while letting my mind wander.

First, it wanders leisurely around the fictional world from Parallels, raising thoughts and theories and what-ifs. Shadow Mask, Artemis, friends and love and heptastars and portals through universes circle my head like the sugar plums I read about during the Culture and Religion unit of Literature class. Then, universe-hopping spaceships morph into planes, and portals into airport security arches, and suddenly I'm not thinking about badass sci-fi heroines running through space and time, but about one real girl running away.

One real girl who's in way over her head.

The water starts to boil, crashing up against the sides of the kettle like a tumultuous sea contained in heat-safe glass. The kind of open water that would be difficult to swim in but so, so fun to ride in a sailboat, or a surfboard... or a WaterGrazer.

I glance back at the quaint living room where Darien sits casually in an armchair, one ankle resting on the other knee, a mug of tea held comfortably in his hands, the muted TH still playing its silent ads in the background.

I may be in over my head, but I'm not drowning. Not as long as I'm not alone.

"Are we catching a water-hover someplace?" I asked, as we walked toward a gate by the shore.

"Not exactly 'catching'..." Darien glanced at the gate. "Say, how do you feel about climbing things?"

I looked at him gamely. "Race you."

With a few carefully placed steps, I jumped up and grabbed the gate, my right foot landing squarely on the handle. Darien started to climb beside me, using the hinges as footholds, and we both swung over the top and landed on the other side at about the same time.

...OK, fine, he got there first.

"You've done that before," I guessed.

"Maybe. Come on, follow me."

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