Chapter 12 - Dr. Blayne

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"I've almost cracked it this time, Anna. I know I have." His words travelled through the crack in the door left slightly ajar. On the other side, in the ever-mysterious study, Miss Fletcher answered with the sort of patient politeness that made one think he could hear the smile in her voice.

"I'm glad to hear that, Doctor. Just don't forget about your meeting today."


"Your 16:00 with the Daintree University of Berlin's neurobiology department," she reminded him gently. "They're sending a science analyst and an executive to discuss your project proposal."

"Right, meeting..." He trails off, presumably distracted by another sudden idea or thought concerning his research. Miss Fletcher wished him luck, and I barely had time to wonder what a science analyst was before having to make my escape, ducking into the nearest room to avoid being caught eavesdropping outside the door. Luckily, my father's voice stopped her before she reached the hall.

"Ah, one more thing— Is my son around? Bring him in here, will you?"

"I'm here!" I no longer cared if the au pair discovered my hidden presence — the prospect of being allowed into my father's study was too exciting. I had only been inside a few times in my life, and it had always seemed like such an intriguing space, full of knowledge a 12-year-old boy couldn't begin to understand.

On her way out, Miss Fletcher gave me one of those looks with just a hint of sly suspicion, like she knew I had been up to something I shouldn't've, but wasn't going to press the issue. Unable to contain my excitement, I ran to the door, only remembering at the last minute to slow down to avoid breaking any of the fancy scientific devices my father kept on the other side.

It was finally happening. The brilliant scientist I was proud to call my dad was finally going to let me see his project, the groundbreaking research he was conducting into the most wonderful concept I had ever heard of: human immortality.

Today was the day my favourite visionary would share his vision.

"Hey, is Mr. Corporate Power-Nap in there?"

I turn my head, finding a young, black-haired woman striding up to the door to the office I've been waiting outside of for the past few minutes. Zeta specifically informed me that the meeting was at 14:00. I certainly wasn't aware of a five-minute time zone difference between the third and fourth floors.

"Ah— Mr. Ashcombe?" I ask. "Yes, I believe he's—"

"Ashcombe!" She hits the door twice with the side of her fist... a rather forceful way of knocking.

A few seconds later, it slides open, revealing a slightly annoyed-looking Ashcombe.

"Cori..." he says, a fake pleasant smile clearly hiding quite some frustration. "How are you this fine afternoon?"

"Angel-bitch?" She pushes past him, entering the office. "You called me 'angel-bitch'? That's kinda rude. And a little sexist."

The air quotes around her repetition of his term from our previous meeting seemed to convey a great deal of irritation.

Ashcombe sighs, then takes notice of me in the doorway. "Dr. Blayne, come on in." He turns back to the rather intense 20-something. "Apologies, Miss Loft. I didn't think you'd hear that. I was only talking to a virtual assistant, after all..."

His words say 'sorry', but his face says 'how did you know?', and that clearly doesn't slip past the girl.

"Yeah, that's really not the point," she says. "Hasn't anybody told you it's not nice to call people names? Even behind their back?"

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