Chapter 10 - Agent Cassanova

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"Ah, Agent Cassanova." Captain Rhonsen walks over from the elevators. "I just came from a meeting in the External Relations office, our request came through for the passenger data from all outgoing flights from Tokyo on the night Codebreaker fled. They should be uploading it to the casefile right now."

"That's great," I say. "I'm surprised it was approved that fast."

"Oh, believe me, so am I," he tells me, but for whatever reason, his comment is accompanied by that subtle little side glance I've noticed he does when he's holding something back. "How's the case been going, anyway?"

Oh, shit. Please don't make me write another "status update" report...

"It's been going OK. There's not a lot of new information to work with, but I've been going through what the Tokyo team found at her house and trying to piece together what I can from any street cameras that weren't tampered with. Also, Grey texted me from the metro a few minutes ago saying he has a new theory, I'm just reviewing one of my own while I wait for him. I'm sure he wouldn't mind briefing you at the same time — he said he should be here by 7:15."

"That's OK, Agent." A smile tugs at his lips. "I'm not asking for an official update here, just checking in."

"Right. Of course. Well, I wish I had more to tell you..."

"Just let me know if anything major happens. You know where to find me. And, um..." He trails off a bit.

"What is it?"

"I just wanted to say, you've been doing great work here. I know I was... harsh with you before, but... you're a good agent. The UNBI's lucky to have you."

"Oh, well, thanks, Captain. I'm glad you think so."

"Anyway, I'd better get back to work. Good luck with your case, Cassie." He takes a step backward toward his office, accompanied by a brief parting nod.

...Cassie? He never calls me that.

Seriously, Grey's the only one who calls me Cassie. That was...


"Right, yeah, thanks," I answer, remembering the whole conversation-with-a-human thing. "Good luck with your, ah, captain stuff."

Captain stuff? That's really the best you could—

He chuckles. "Thanks. I'll talk to you later," he says, then heads back to his office.

Well. Pushing that... interesting interaction aside... Time to get back to the case.

* * *

"I think I found something." Grey appears by my desk at 7:14, datachip in hand. "Well, it's not a major 'something', and I'm not entirely sure what it means yet, but it's definitely a pattern. It's... Well, it's something."

I reach into the top drawer for my spare holoprojector and hand it to him.

"What is it?"

"OK, well, I was looking over the psych team's analysis from a few months ago, and realized how weird it was that it hasn't been updated since then. I mean, when their report was written, Codebreaker was little more than a name on a screen. They could only profile her based on, what, a few text conversations? Now that we know her identity..."

"They should have updated it to fit Kalix Raven," I say, nodding.

"Exactly." He plugged the d-chip into the projector and sat it on my desk. "It was after hours, so I couldn't call psych, but I figured I'd look into it myself. I focussed on anomalies, anything unusual noticed by her parents, teachers, etcetera. Of course, it was 1:00 or 2:00, Tokyo time, so I couldn't just call them, but I asked what I could over email. A few of them even called back early this morning, and I was able to piece something together." He flipped through a few windows on the hologram, mostly notes and emails, before pulling up one with a series of dates and some bullet points beneath each one.

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