Saturday Night Live

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Whenever Jack was asked about his childhood celebrity crush, he would always answer with your name, so when he found out you were the host of Saturday Night Live on the same week that he was the musical guest it was safe to say he was excited, and a little nervous if he was being honest.

You had been an actress since you were a child, only getting more popular as you got older and broke away from the reputation that came with being a child actress. Proving your talent with more mature roles that somehow lead you to hosting Saturday Night Live. Though you had a lot of experience in the industry, from tv shows, music videos, movies, commercials, anything you could think of, you didn't have a lot of experience with live tv, so you were way more nervous than Jack was, plus you were nervous for different reasons.

While you did also have a crush on Jack, I mean, it seemed like everyone did at this point, you didn't plan on acting on that crush, wanting to stay focused for the week, though you didn't promise the same for the after party.

You had already been in New York for a day before Jack arrived, obviously him being the musical guest he didn't have to be there as long as you did, but he wanted to be.

As soon as Jack walked into the studio, he was greeted by a group of cast members and producers. Jack talked to the group for a few minutes before he saw you walk out with a couple other cast members, smiling to himself as the two groups merged. Jack introducing himself to anyone he didn't know before making his way to you.

"Hey, I'm Jack" He smiled at you as he introduced himself, you looked at him and smiled yourself.

"I'm (Y/N), it's nice to meet you"

"I know who you are" Jack said, laughing softly, he assumed you heard about his crush on you, "but it's nice to meet you too"

"I know that I see things online you know" You teased, "I was just being nice" you teased him, making him nod, before he could respond someone had interrupted your conversation, wanting you to go practice another sketch. You followed them after inviting Jack to come with you, even though he wasn't involved with that sketch he agreed, following you down a hallway and to a smaller set.

After 30 minutes the cast moved on to a different sketch that you weren't in and you walked over to where Jack was sitting, sighing softly as you sat down, Jack looked over at you.

"You're doing great" Jack encouraged you, making you smile softly.

"Thanks, I've never done anything like this before, I've never really performed live in front of an audience before so I'm pretty nervous" You said, laughing softly.

"You can hardly tell your nervous" Jack said, shrugging softly "You get used to it, it's normal to be nervous"

"Yeah, says the guy who performs live all the time" You teased Jack, laughing softly, making him laugh with you.

"Hey, I'm being nice" He repeated your words from earlier, teasing you back, making you playfully roll your eyes. "But I'm serious, I used to get super nervous before going on stage, I still get nervous, it's just a different kind of nerves you know?" He explained, turning in his chair slightly so he was facing you more.

You both continued to make small talk for a few minutes before someone called out that everyone could take a break for lunch.

"Want to come with me?" Jack asked you, standing up, you thought for a second before nodding.

"Sure, why not" You said, standing up, you and Jack decided on somewhere to go eat before leaving.

That wasn't the only time you and Jack would hang out off set, by the end of the week you two practically became inseparable, which sparked a bunch of rumors about your relationship online, some people loved your relationship while others hated it. The producers loved it though, the rumors drew even more attention to the show. Truthfully you two hadn't crossed the line of being anything more than friends, friends who flirted, but still only friends. Of course, both of your friend groups teased you both about your relationship, your friend group knowing about your crush on Jack, while both groups knew about his crush on you.

The day of the show you two had been separated into your individual dressing rooms. Your nerves during rehearsals were nothing compared to your nerves now. You were sitting in a chair, your makeup artist was touching up your makeup when you heard a knock on the door.

"Come in" you called out, people had been in and out of your room all day, wanting you for last minute rehearsals, coming in to do your hair, your makeup, bring you your outfits. You turned towards the door as you heard it open, letting out a breath and smiling softly as you saw Jack walk in.

"Hey, how you are feeling" Jack asked, smiling at you, leaning against the wall by the door frame.

"Nervous and honestly excited to get it over with" You said, laughing softly as your makeup artist finished your makeup, walking out of the room, moving on to someone else. "How about you?" You asked, turning your chair to face him.

"I know that feeling" Jack laughed softly, "I'm good" He said, moving to the small couch "When are you leaving New York?" Jack asked, looking over to you.

"I leave Tuesday, have a couple days off before I leave" You told him.

"I leave Wednesday, can I take you out Monday?" Jack asked you.

"You ask like we haven't been hanging out every day Jack" You laughed softly

"No, I mean, like on a date" He clarified, making you blush lightly, looking down at your hands hoping he wouldn't see.

"Yes, I'd like that" You smiled at him, making him smile back, before either of you could say anything else you were interrupted by another knock on the door, someone telling you that there was 10 minutes until the show started. You sighed softly and stood up from your chair, Jack standing up at well, taking a couple steps forward before wrapping his arms around you in a hug, gently resting his chin on the top of your head.

"You'll do great, I promise." Jack reassured you.

"Thanks" you said, hugging him back, "Is the date still on if I bomb this?" You joked, making Jack laugh before pulling away from the hug.

"We'll see" He teased, "Good luck" he said, smiling one last time at you before turning to walk out of the room.

"Good luck, though I'm not sure you need it" you joked, making Jack turn towards you.

"Honestly, was more nervous for asking you out then performing" Jack laughed softly before finally walking out of the room and to his dressing room. You sat by yourself for a moment before walking out and to the stage to start the show.

Once the show ended you instantly relaxed, being surrounded by people telling you how good you did. You spotted Jack on the opposite side of the room, also being surrounded by a couple people. You made your way over to him, Jack automatically turning his attention to you, hugging you.

"Told you you would do great, I was watching the whole time" He whispered as he hugged you, making you smile, none of the other people telling you the same thing meant as much to you as it did when Jack said it.

"Thank you, I wanted to watch you, but it was too hectic" You said, Jack nodded in understanding. "So that dates still on?" You asked.

"Of course it is" Jack smiled at you.

The rest of the night during the after party you two barely left each other, his hand on your back or holding yours so he didn't loose you. Fans caught you both arriving at your hotel at the same time, holding hands as Jack lead you into the hotel, sparking even more rumors though this time there was some truth to them.

"I'll see you Monday (Y/N)" Jack smiled softly as you both said goodbye in the elevator before going to your separate rooms.

"What if I want to see you before then?" You asked Jack.

"That can be arranged" Jack laughed softly. "Goodnight (Y/N)" Jack said as the elevator arrived at your floor.

"Goodnight Jack" You smiled at him, giving him a quick hug, Jack pressing a kiss to your forehead before you walked out of the elevator and to your room.

Neither of you even waited until the next day to see each other, less then 30 minutes later Jack was texting you telling you that he ordered pizza if you wanted to come to his room, and you did, just like you had the past several nights.

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