An Evening I Will Not Forget

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Based off of An Evening I Will Not Forget by Dermot Kennedy

You and Jack were the typical cliche childhood best friends turned high school sweethearts. You two met on the first day of kindergarten and were inseparable after that. As you got older you grew even closer to Jack until the first year of high school you realized you were in love with him. Jack realized he was in love with you a little sooner then you did, the summer between middle and high school. Neither of you could see that the other one was in love with them until that one random night when Jack finally confessed his love for you. Neither of you could see your lives without each other, especially after that night when he asked you to be his girlfriend. You both thought that your love was unbreakable, and maybe in a way it was. Maybe you were both to naive to believe that a relationship that started at 15 would last.

At seventeen, I was alright
Was like nothin' I could feel inside

At 17 you and Jack had been together for almost a year and a half. Jack, you, and some of your friends decided to throw a release party for Jacks new ep. At some point during the party, you and Jack separated towards your own group of friends.

It didn't take long until Jack was walking over to you and your friends, wrapping his arms around your waist as he stood behind you. You leaned into his chest, turning slightly so you could kiss him, he smiled softly before leaning forward to kiss you back.

"Having fun?" You asked him, making him nod.

"Of course, I am." He kissed the top of your head before turning towards your friends.

"I'm stealing her back, I've shared her long enough." He told them partly joking, he was taking you with him, but he didn't mind when you hung out with your friends, making you laugh softly and teasingly roll your eyes. As you and Jack turned to walk away, your friends teased you both about not being able to be apart, which neither of you could even say anything back to that because they were right.

Though neither of you minded, you both loved spending as much time together as possible, but that made Jacks plans of moving to Atlanta after high school somewhat difficult for both of you. It's not that you didn't want to go with him, but it was a big decision to make. You both knew that's what Jack needed to do for his career, but you weren't going into music for a career, truthfully you didn't even know what you wanted to do as a career.

As much as Jack said not to worry about it, just come with him and you'll figure it out together, you weren't 100% sure that was the best plan for two teenagers just out of high school. Sure, one of you could make the drive on the weekends, it wasn't that far, but neither of you wanted a long-distance relationship, especially with how close you two were. The longest you had been apart in the last 13 years was a week at the most when one of you would go on vacation. Neither of you wanted to only see each 2 days of the week, maybe 3 on a long weekend.

What Jack didn't tell you is that if you didn't come with him, he wasn't going to go. He didn't want to jeopardize your relationship. Your relationship meant more to him than any career he could ever have.

Jack kept his arm around your waist as you walked towards his group of friends, though most of them were also your friends too. Once you both reached the group of people Jack leaned onto a nearby wall, gently pulling you in front of him and into his chest so you could lean on him.

"I have a surprise for you" You whispered to Jack, turning halfway to him, "Well, I guess it's not really a surprise, but more like something I have to tell you"

"Oh yeah? What is it?" He asked, "You're not breaking up with me, right?" He joked, making you roll your eyes.

"No, you'll like it. Plus, I wouldn't start breaking up with you by saying that I have a surprise for you." You laughed softly.

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