Protect You

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You and Jack had been dating for almost a year, but Jack still wasn't ready to go completely public with your relationship. He made it known that he was in a relationship. Of course, there were rumors that he was dating you, but he never confirmed them. It's not that he didn't want to be able to show you off, but he wanted to protect you and your relationship from the public. Though that got harder to do once you joined Jack on tour.

You, Jack, and a couple of his friends were walking around the city after Jack's show. It wasn't often Jack could be touchy with you in public, but there weren't many people around, so Jack was taking advantage of it, he was currently walking behind you with his arms wrapped around your waist, but even just being able to kiss you and being able to hold your hand as you walked next to him.

Jack was always very conscious of people taking pictures and videos of him. Especially when he was with you, so it only took a minute for Jack to notice the couple of people on the sidewalk across the street that recognized Jack and started to record videos of the two of you.

Jack dropped his arms from around your waist almost instantly, your hands moving from where they rested on top of his down to your sides as you turned to look at Jack confused. Jack subtilty nodded across the street, making you look over to where you saw the people recording, you nodded to let Jack know you saw them, taking a couple steps forward to put space in between the two of you.

Even though you understood why Jack wanted to keep you a secret and always did what he did when you were seen together, it didn't make it hurt any less. You never wanted Jack to know though, you never wanted him to feel bad about it.

Jack started to talk to some of his friends as you walked quietly with them as tears started to form in your eyes. You tried to blink them away before anyone noticed. It wasn't normal for you to be so quiet around the group, sometimes it was when you were around people you didn't know, but you were comfortable around Jack's friends, and they all knew that.

Urban was the first one to notice, everyone was in their own conversations, and you didn't blame anyone for not noticing, you didn't want them too anyways. Urban walked over to you, throwing his arm loosely over your shoulders, making the tears that you successfully blinked away a few minutes ago start to come back. It just reminded you that Jack couldn't do the same thing because your relationship was different with Urban then it was with Jack.

"You okay? You're being quiet" Urban asked, looking at you as he walked with you now. Urban's question got Jack's attention, looking over at you, but he couldn't see your face since he was still behind you. You nodded slightly, looking down at the ground, not wanting anyone to see the tears in your eyes.

"I'm okay, just tired I guess" You partly lied, you were tired, but that's not why you were being quiet, you were being quiet because you were upset.

Jack heard your answer and walked away from his other friends, walking to the other side of Urban, he was always calculated with his actions, especially regarding you, when there were cameras around, and he knew there would be less rumors if he stood next to Urban instead of you, but all you wanted was for Jack to not have to think of every little thing like that around you. Even if it didn't make you upset, you knew it stressed him out trying to keep your relationship as hidden as possible.

"We can go back to the hotel if you want to, I know it's late, I don't mind" Jack told you, you shook your head, finally blinking away the tears again, looking over at him.

"No, it's okay, we can stay. I'll go back by myself if I get too tired." You told him, even though you knew he would never let you walk around the city this late at night by yourself. Once you looked at Jack, he noticed that your eyes were red, like you were trying not to cry. Jack instantly felt guilty, knowing that you were trying not to cry because of him.

He had noticed it a couple other times he had to drop your hand or move his arm from your waist, but the first time he didn't put it together. You only got this upset about it a couple of times, but it was enough for Jack to figure it out himself.

"Let's go back to the hotel" Jack said, this time it wasn't a question.

"Okay" You nodded and Urban removed his arm from your shoulders and the three of you stopped walking, the rest of the group doing the same.

"We're going back to the hotel, if anyone wants to come." Jack told the group, they all decided to stay out. You and Jack walked back to the hotel, mostly in silence, a few comments here and there. Occasionally Jack would brush his hand over yours, looking around to see if the paparazzi had followed you, which they did, most of the way to the hotel. As soon you both walked inside, Jack grabbed your hand again, rubbing his thumb in circles on the back of your hand.

Jack led you into the elevator, pulling you gently into him. You laid your head on Jack's chest, closing your eyes for a moment.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Jack asked, kissing the top of your head, you nodded. You didn't want Jack to think you were upset because of something he did. You and Jack walked to your room. Jack sat down on the bed, opening his arms for you. You walked over to him, Jack wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you gently onto his lap.

"You can tell me anything you know." Jack reassured and you nodded again, hiding your face in his neck.

"I know. I'm just tired and being emotional." You said, Jack rubbed your back softly for a few minutes.

"Are you upset because I let you go when there were cameras?" Jack asked and you nodded slightly.

"I know why you did it, I'm not mad at you, it's just hard sometimes." You said, and Jack nodded this time.

"I know it is." Jack sighed softly. "I just don't want you to get hurt." Jack kissed your shoulder gently. "I have been thinking a little bit though, we have been together for almost a year, whenever you're ready, we don't have to hide so much." Jack said, running his hands through your hair.

"I'd like that." You told him. "I'm just tired of having to always look for cameras all the time." Jack smiled softly.

"I want you to think about it, I don't want you to agree now, and regret it, but I am too." Jack said.

"I'll think about it" You told him, moving your head from his neck to kiss him softly. "But I would never regret it as long as you're by my side." You said kissing him once more.

Even though Jack told you to think about it, you already made your mind up. You appreciated Jack wanting to protect you and you loved being able to be with him without everyone else's opinion on your relationship but the longer you were together the harder it got. You would take whatever reaction you got from the media.

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