After Party

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You had been to award shows with Jack before, in fact you had been to several, but for some reason Jack hadn't been able to keep his hands off you all night. Maybe it was the dress you were wearing, or maybe it was the fact that your earlier make out session got interrupted before it could go any further, but whatever it was, neither of you minded.

Jack's arm never left your lower back as you both walked down the red carpet, only venturing lower as the night went on until his hand was resting just above your ass. While the show was going on, Jack's hand rarely left its spot on your thigh.

Jack would lean over occasionally to whisper stuff into your ear, sometimes it was as innocent as a comment about what someone said, or some gossip he heard about one of the celebrities on stage he wanted to tell you. While other times it wasn't so innocent, a comment about how he was going to fuck you as soon as you got back to your hotel, or even asking you to sneak off with him right then.

That continued into the after party, Jack had accepted the invite a couple days before, but currently Jack didn't want to do anything but go back to your hotel. Jack's hand was in its spot on your lower back again, Jack leading you through the party, getting stopped by a couple groups as you walked. Still making comments to you after every conversation, ranging from innocent to "that conversation was so boring the whole time I was thinking about how much I'd rather be fucking you right now."

You never knew what to expect when he leaded over to whisper into your ear, but honestly, when did you ever expect what he was going to say next?

You and Jack finally had a moment to yourselves, tucked away in a corner where no one else would bother you. One of Jack's hands remanded on your back, his thumb rubbing small circles where your skin was exposed, while the other moved to underneath your chin, using his finger to tilt your head up. Jack leaned forward to press a gentle kiss to your lips, but he wanted to do so much more.

"So, did you mean it when you said we can't sneak off? Or did you just say that in case anyone heard you?" Jack asked with a small smirk on his face. You teasingly rolled your eyes as you smacked his arm, making him laugh softly.

"Jackman Harlow." You teasingly scolded.

"Damn, full name. I haven't gotten that in about." Jack pretended to check his watch like it would give him the answer. "A month."

"I wouldn't say no if we weren't in public around people who are going to notice if we disappear at the same time." You said, absentmindedly fixing his suit jacket as you talked.

"You say that like it's stopped us before. Like that time on the tour bus, or the time at the studio, or that other time." You interrupted Jack before he could continue.

"Okay, okay, you have a point." You laughed softly, wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him down gently to kiss him. Even with your heels on, you still were shorter than him. "Do you want to leave?" You asked Jack.

"Hm, do you think you can wait that long?" Jack asked, tracing his hand down your waist. Both of you were happy you were blocked from the view of the party. "I've noticed how've been reacting all night, squeezing your legs together when I whisper something in your ear, how you blush when I say something not so innocent." Jack said, leaning over to press a kiss underneath your ear, as you let out a small whine. To anyone else it would just look like Jack was whispering something in your ear. "I need an answer baby." Jack whispered, pulling away, letting his hands rest on your hips.

"I don't want to wait." You told Jack, who nodded, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.

"Good girl." Jack kept his hand on your back as he led you to the nearest bathroom.

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