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Jack had surprised you with a trip to Miami for your anniversary, though that wasn't your only surprise. The first half of the trip was just the two of you, finally having some time to relax alone. Though Jack had flown both of your friends and family out for the second half of the trip as part of your second surprise.

You had noticed Jack checking his phone all day as people started to fly in, but you didn't think much of it. Jack had flown Urban and Clay out the night before to help get everyone else where they needed to be without you getting suspicious.

Jack had told you he had a surprise for you that night, but as much as you tried to get it out of him, he wouldn't tell you. You and jack spent the morning at the house Jack had rented for your trip before eventually leaving to walk around Miami in the afternoon. Partly to keep you distracted, and partly because Jack needed to take his mind off his plans for that night. Jack was nervous that something was going to go wrong, or he was going to let something slip, between the dinner he had planned, the helicopter ride, the proposal, and all your friends and family being in town he was keeping a lot from you. Normally he told you everything.

After several hours of exploring Miami, you both ended up back at the house so you could both get changed and ready for the night.

Jack had reserved one of the nicest restaurants in Miami for just you two. Jack rarely used his fame in ways like that, but tonight was an exception. All through dinner you could tell Jack was nervous from the way he ran his hands through his hair more than normal and the way his leg kept bouncing underneath the table.

"I have something else for you" Jack told you after dinner "I booked us a helicopter tour around Miami, I know you've always said how you wanted to do one, so I figured sunset was the perfect time" Jack explained as you smiled.

"You know you don't have to do any of this for me but thank you" You always wanted Jack to know that you loved him for him, not because of the stuff he did for you.

"I know, I like to spoil you, you deserve it" Jack reassured you, taking your hand and leading you out of the restaurant. Jack intertwined his fingers with yours, leaning over to kiss the top of your head as you walked.

You both stopped walking once you got to the car, Jack kept a hold of your hand, gently turning you towards him, wrapping his arms around your waist, leaning down to press your lips together.

"I love you" You smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck as you kissed him again.

"I love you too." Jack kissed you once more, both of you let this kiss last longer than the other two, deepening it slightly before Jack pulled away. "Trying to distract me" Jack teased, "Let's go before we're late." Jack helped you into the car like he always did before walking around to get in the driver's side. Jack rested his hand on your thigh as he drove.

Jack texted Clay that you were on the way so that everyone knew to hide, the plan was to propose after you landed, but everyone got there before you two so they could set up while you were in the helicopter.

Once Jack parked you both got out of the car, Jack wrapping his arm around your waist as you walked towards the helicopter that was waiting. Jack was nervous but he couldn't tell if it was for the helicopter ride, the fact that he was relying on others to set up the proposal, or the fact that he was actually proposing.

The whole time you were in the helicopter Jack kept his arm either around your shoulders or on your leg, like he always did in the car. You and Jack were pointing out different places the whole time, either places you've been or places you want to go. Occasionally taking pictures of the beaches. Once the sun had completely set it was time to land. Jack had gotten a text a little bit ago saying that everything was set up.

Once the helicopter started to land, you noticed there was 2 trails of flower petals that made an aisle to somewhere you couldn't see yet.

"Jack, what did you do?" You asked suspiciously as you laughed softly, Jack shrugged.

"You'll see, can't tell you, that would ruin the surprise." Jack answered, leaning forward to kiss you, and you kissed him back. As soon as the helicopter touched the ground the pilot nodded towards you both signaling that you could get off. Jack got out first then turned back towards you, reaching his hand up to help you out.

"Should I be scared?" You teased him and he laughed shaking his head.

"No, you weren't scared of the helicopter but your scared of this?" Jack teased back, making you laugh.

"I just never know what to expect when it comes to your surprises." You told him, Jack loved surprising you, from picking up your favorite candy on his way home, or with trips like the one you were on now. Though this was his biggest surprise by far.

"It's a good surprise." Jack promised you, "When have my surprises not been good?" He asked.

"Well, there was that one time we got stuck in-" You started and Jack interrupted almost immediately.

"We don't talk about that anymore" Jack laughed. Once Jack forgot to book a flight back home and all the flights were sold out for several days, after that Jack learned to let someone else book everything for both of you. "Come on" Jack said softly, taking your hand and intertwining your fingers, following the aisle of flower petals that led around the corner.

Everyone was still hiding as you and Jack walked around the corner, Jack led you towards a flower arch that was surrounded by more flower petals and candles. Once you both got closer to the arch Jack stopped walking, turning towards you, grabbing your other hand with his to turn you towards him as well.

Jack kissed the top of your head as he let go of one of your hands to reach into his pocket to pull out the ring as he knelt down, smiling up at you. As Jack pulled the ring out you gasp softly. You should have been able to see it coming, but you didn't, you didn't know what you were expecting, but it certainly wasn't this.

"When we met, I knew that there was something different and I never wanted to lose you, then the first time I had to go on tour without you made me realize that I never want to go a day without you. Even before I finally asked you to be my girlfriend, I knew that I loved you. I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me (Y/N)?" Jack asked, not letting go of your hand as he talked.

"Yes, of course I will" You nodded, as Jack slipped the ring on your finger and stood up, resting his hand that wasn't still holding yours on your waist.

"I love you." Jack smiled.

"I love you too. I can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together." You smiled, letting go of Jack's hand to wrap your arms loosely around his neck, pulling him gently forward to kiss him. Jack deepened the kiss for a moment, now resting both of his hands on your waist. Jack pulled away from the kiss first.

"I have one more surprise for you." Jack told you, looking over at both of your friends and family who were standing in a spot where they could see both of you, but you wouldn't have noticed them yet. Jack used one hand to wave them over before putting it back on your waist, gently turning you around. Everyone was coming up to both of you, taking turns telling both of you congratulations and giving each of you hugs.

As it got later people started to leave, going back to where they were staying, you and Jack going back to the house you were staying at after everyone left.

Jack was laying on the couch, you laying on top of him, laying your head on his chest. You were both trying to decide on a movie to watch, though neither of you ever really ended up watching the movies you picked, either getting distracted or you would end up falling asleep.

"Thank you." You said, running your hands through Jack's hair.

"For tonight? You don't have to thank me. You deserved something special." Jack told you, making you shake your head.

"Not just for tonight, for everything." You told him, and Jack smiled.

"You deserve it, always." Jack reassured as you leaned forward to kiss him once again.

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