- 𝟗 (𝘽𝙊𝙉𝙐𝙎)

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Chapter warning: contains smut 🔞 (dont like, dont read. You can skip if you are uncomfortable.)

Yknow tbh im really embarrassed after writing all of this on wattpad because you can comment on any individual paragraph saur..thats why its not TOO explicit but still..its still smut 😭😭

They kiss again, and he hears her whisper against his lips, "I want you."

So Mun raises his eyebrow, "Are you sure you want this?" He wanted to make sure that she would be perfectly comfortable, because fuck this is the same woman he has been in love with for the past two years.

"Yes," Hana nods her head a little too desperately, but she discards it. "I want you so much."

He kisses her again as her legs swiftly wrap around his waist, and he picks her up using his arms.

So Mun carries her into his room, and locks his door while he's still kissing her. He slowly puts her down on the bed as Hana pulls him closer, making it so he's on top of her body.

She can smell his cologne; And it smells like flowers. His hair was still slightly wet, so little drops were falling down his head. She loved it.

He switched their positions, so now he was sitting down on the bed as she was on his lap. He kisses her again, starting at her lips but then slowly trailing down to her chin, jaw, then neck before he starts to suck on the skin.

"So Mun." Hana quietly whines. He continues all over her flesh, leaving red marks that he knows won't disappear quickly.

Gaining back control, her hands roam his chest freely before she grabs the hem of his shirt and takes it off, leaving his shirtless body infront of her.

For a minute, his skin was the only thing she was focused on. She eyes his body and doesn't bother to hide it.

"Enjoy what you see?" He teases her, and her face goes red in embarrassment for a second before she takes off her sweater, keeping her tank top on.

His fingers trace her muscles then kisses her once more, softly and more gentle this time.

So Mun keeps his forehead on hers, "You make me go fucking insane, Do Hana."

She presses herself against him for a second as a groan leaves his mouth, earning a smirk from the girl as she starts repeating her movements.

"Fuck." He swears again, followed by another one. He leans his head back, his body full of arousal just like hers.

He doesn't know when but eventually Hana flips him over so now he's on top of her again.

"You like being bottom?" He says jokingly. She laughs with him, wrapping her arms around his hips.

"I like seeing you on me," She spoke as she started pulling at the strings of her own sweatpants.

His hands went inside her tank top, rubbing her back as she shivered from his touch. "Can I take this off?"

Hana nodded, and he took it off revealing even more of her skin.

"Your so beautiful," He says, staring right at her. "So damn beautiful."

"So are you," She grabs his face to kiss him again, and she feels his crotch pressing right at her stomach.

So Mun tugs at his sweatpants, before pulling them off and helping her strip down.

When she lays there on the bed, completely naked is when her face turns red again in embarrassment.

"You alright?" He asked her softly.

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