Part 1: A Fated Meeting

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"We sometimes encounter people, even perfect strangers, who begin to interest us at first sight, somehow suddenly, all at once, before a word has been spoken."

― Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Crime and Punishment

It was pouring rain and the only place I could see to take shelter was a bench in front of a bus stop. The plastic exterior had faded so much that the advertisements were barely readable, and the streetlamp above it is fading in and out giving the atmosphere a yellowed glow across puddles of rain. I walk towards the shelter trying to dodge the puddles, lest my shoes get even more soaked. Holding my bag close I scurry in and sit awkwardly by a stranger. I despise this kinda situation: two people who don't know each other stuck in silence until the other has an excuse to leave. I look up at the grey clouds fidgeting with my thumbs. My body aches from running away from those bullies.

"How dull, I don't think this rain is gonna die down anytime soon. Wanna smoke?" The person beside me suddenly asks, pulling out a pack of cigarettes.

At the sound of his voice I look up my eyes meeting gold ones for a spilt second before and look down at my hands quickly. To be honest, I've always wanted to try smoking, my father did. Whenever he did smoke or just anytime he saw a cigarette he would always tell me:

"y/n don't get addicted to those things, they are nothing but problems.".

All the choices rushed through my head; What if I do get addicted and get all wrinkly?!?? I hear they make you age faster, and what if-

"First time? You don't have to right now.. though I am going to light one for myself." He chuckles as he flips open a plain silver lighter.

He takes a puff and the smoke rises up and out of the bus shelter and I breath it in second hand.

"So why are you out here right now, of all times?" He asks casually looking down at me.

I look him up and down, he seems my age, at least. "It's quite a long story to be honest."

"I'll listen. I've got time to kill." He leans back and tilts his head towards, waiting for me to start my story.

That makes me smile.

"This dumbass girl from my school constantly makes fun of my appearance and, well, other things." I shift uncomfortably avoiding expanding on the extent of her motives.

"It's funny hearing you say the word dumbass. Say it again." He asks.

"Phhhh- what?"

"Well you just don't seem like the kind of person to say dumbass." He shrugs.


"What happened after that? Stupid girl making fun of you, that doesn't explain why a boy like you is sitting by me." He said

He calls me a boy, that makes me chuckle. "Well," I pause, " day when she was making fun of my hair, and I was just fed up with it so in a moment of anger I stuck gum in hers."

"YEAH!!!! Wait- why would she make fun of your hair?" He looks at me quizzically.

I really didn't want to come out this early but I guess it's inevitable.

"I'm not exactly a dude."

"Oh! Well," he scratches his head awkwardly "I- pfff, sorry, uhm, what are your like, ugh, ok I'm a him/he what are you?"

I laugh at his ignorance but also love how he is kind enough to ask.

"I identify as non-binary so They/them. I'm sorry if it's confusing." I explain looking down awkwardly.

"No, no, no it's ok. I don't mind." He reassures me while taking another smoke.

"Yeah I guess. But, yeah she had to get her hair cut to shoulder length and she was PISSED." I chuckle.

"Heh nice." He laughs.

"I felt bad watching her for about two seconds today. Then everyone loved it and complemented her. It sucked ass." I sigh.


"Even more of a bummer, a couple of her friends figured out about the gum thing and followed me after school."

"Oh no, are you ok? What happened?" He exclaims way too into my story.

"I got beat up long story short. Nothing absolutely terrible like gang shit-"

He perks up at the word gang, and I ignore it.

"I escaped with a couple bruises after outrunning them. I honestly didn't know where I was going and it started to pour, so now I'm here." I throw up my hands and drop them in my lap.

"I'm glad it wasn't worse." He sighs, relighting his cigarette.

I look up at his side profile, his undercut and earring really suit him. They bring out the sharpness or his jaw and contrast-

"What are you staring at? Wanna try?" He motions towards the cigarette between his long fingers.

"Sure. Gosh I'm sorry, how do I.."

He hands me the half burnt one and pulls out a new one lighting it. While holding the new one he demonstrates how to use it.

"Why do you get the new one???" I smile.

"Come on, you know I'll make more use of it then you little one." He chuckles.

"I'm not little you're just a giant!" I retort.

He smirks, "ok whatever you say. Do you wanna use that or should I put it out?".

"I will, I'm just scared I'm gonna make a fool of myself with the first puff." I confess.

"It's ok I'll just laugh at you."

"Bitch." I hold it up to my lips and breathe in,

Ultimately choking on smoke.


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